Covid 19 Morning Update 19 August 2021

Welcome to this morning’s update.

The COVID situation is, as I’m sure you’re well aware, developing almost by the minute.  As of this morning, we have ten known cases, but everyone is talking about many more to come with the next official update due at 1pm.

Yesterday, we focussed on an update from Ministry of Health and information about the Wages and Resurgence subsidies.  I hope that was helpful for you.

Questions from yesterday include needing clear detail on funding for suspended services and the extraordinary funding process.  What about the essential workers’ leave scheme?  And the concerns about accessing PPE.  WE are following up on these issues and will advise.

Meanwhile, MSD have also pulled together the following update which we have abridged for you:

Here’s a brief summary of our settings under alert levels 3 & 4:

Alert level 3 & 4 – All facility based Community Participation, Very High Needs, and Business Enterprises services should close and remain closed until the alert level changes.

All face to face services such as Transition from School, the Employment Service in Schools and the Employment Service should be delivered remotely

Providing ongoing support to people who usually attend facilities based programmes

When your facilities are closed, please stay in contact and provide remote support to the disabled people who usually attend your service.


We will continue to fund services as normal.

The team have been in touch with our contracted disability providers and there don’t seem to be any issues. They are getting on with supporting people remotely where they can. As always the awesome Creative Spaces we fund already have classes and resources on line.

More information on wage subsidies etc to be available soon.

As always, if you have any issues or queries, please feel free to get in touch via
