NZDSN Conference 2024
17th & 18th June 2024, Takina Events Centre, Wellington Seeing the Opportunity! Tirohia te whai waahi Focussing on innovation, solutions to issues and problems that
17th & 18th June 2024, Takina Events Centre, Wellington Seeing the Opportunity! Tirohia te whai waahi Focussing on innovation, solutions to issues and problems that
We at New Zealand Disability Support Network applaud the Commerce Commission for filing proceedings against One NZ for their latest failure on 111 Contact Code. It doesn’t
This is about where to draw the line and when to move forward. As we all know, on 18 March, Whaikaha issued a statement imposing
Where do things stand as the dust settles after a week’s worth of headlines on the Whaikaha support fund announcement? I personally think some rules
RNZ: ft Peter Reynolds interview Newsroom: Our position – NZDSN welcomes the additional Cabinet oversight of Whaikaha to ensure they have the funding
New Zealand’s population over the second half of 2023 grew at its fastest rate since 1946 putting our population at just over 5.3 million people.