The government must reverse changes to government procurement guidelines that remove requirements for considering how purchases create employment opportunities for disabled people, says New Zealand Disability Support Network.
“What kind of message does this send the disabled community? We should be supporting people who seek and aspire to work, not making it easier for government agencies to disregard them,” said Peter Reynolds, NZDSN CEO.
“January’s recommitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which includes requirements for disabled employment support, now seems hollow.”
Disabled employment support has been neglected by successive governments, including in the 2024 budget. NZDSN says there’s significant social and economic upside to unlocking this workforce, but the government shows no appetite to invest or take meaningful action.
“The government says it wants to enable good lives one day, then quietly removes the requirements to help the next.
“If the government doesn’t commit to disabled employment support, private business won’t either. It also signals to the disabled community that they don’t matter.”
“I have written to Ministers Willis and Upston today, asking them to back the disabled community and reverse this move as soon as possible,” said Peter Reynolds.