Workmates Supported Employment
Organisation Details Workmates Supported Employment is a charitable trust that provides a completely FREE supported and employment service in the Porirua and greater Wellington region.
Organisation Details Workmates Supported Employment is a charitable trust that provides a completely FREE supported and employment service in the Porirua and greater Wellington region.
Assistive Technology Suppliers New Zealand (ATSNZ) is a society made up of a cross section of manufacturers, equipment suppliers and service providers who work throughout
Organisation Details Supported Individualised Lifestyle Choices (SILC) is the service arm of SILC Charitable Trust, an independent trust with the primary aim of reinforcing and
Organisation Details Residential support services for five women with intellectual disabilities. Contact Name: Pauline Campbell-Read Address: 83 Denbigh Street, Feilding 4702 Phone: 06 323 8620
Contact Name: Grant Williams Address: P O Box 11023, Musselburgh, Dunedin Phone: 021 741 798 Web:
Organisation Details Henderson Home Community Homes provides residential care for intellectual, physical or sensory disability, dual diagnosis and also holds individual mental health contracts. Carer