Ranfurly Care Society




Organisation Details

The Ranfurly Care Society promotes the spiritual, physical and intellectual well being of people with an intellectual disability.

We stand as an advocate in the community, working for an environment that is protective, caring and educational; offering choices, promoting social contact and building a sense of achievement.

Ranfurly Residential Home has been providing services for people with an intellectual disability since 1992.

The Ranfurly Residential Home provides 24-hour support for permanent residents, as well as offering short-term respite care for caregivers with intellectually disabled dependents.

Residents are encouraged to develop a realistic level of independence based on their individual capabilities and to participate as much as possible in normal everyday activities.

Our objective is to create a family/whanau environment where residents and staff can interact with one another in a homely atmosphere.

As a family/whanau organisation, the Society has an ‘open door’ policy that encourages family/whanau and friends to visit at any time and they are welcome to participate in any aspect of Society life.

The home-like environment allows resident interaction and the building of friendships while also pursuing individual interests.


Name: Linda Nelson
Address: 52-56 Ranfurly Road, Epsom, Auckland
Phone: 09 630 3010
Web: www.ranfurlycare.co.nz