Registrations Now Open
Wednesday 14th October 2020
9:00AM – 4:00PM
Venue: Sudima Hotel Auckland Airport, 18 Airpark Drive
in everyday things in everyday places
9:00am Mihi Whakatau
9:30am The Enabling Good Lives Principles and what implementation looks like for people with Very High Needs – Mark Benjamin (Chief Executive SAMS and Care Matters, Co-facilitator EGL Mid Central Leadership Group) and Tina Lincoln (Care Matters facilitator and Co-facilitator EGL Mid Central Leadership Group)
Personalised Approaches: provider perspectives: why, what and how?
10:00am Real World Living: Marian Galvin and families
10:45am Morning Tea
11:00am Manawanui: Sarah Gimson (General Manager, Customer Experience) and a family member
11:45am CCS Disability Action: Daniel Maseege (Service Manager Youth development and adults team) and family members
12:30pm Lunch
1:15pm Provider and Family Panel Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities
1:45pm Building a Communication and Choice Making Matrix – a first step to decision making: Lisa Martin (Director, Complex Carers Group)
2:15pm Afternoon Tea
2:30pm Supported Decision Making – Legal Perspectives: Nan Jensen (Director, Abilityworx, Family/disability law specialist)
3:15pm Supported Decision making: Not just a how to – it’s a must do! Making human rights real in the everyday. David Corner and Trish Grant IHC Advocacy
David is the Self Advocacy Advisor at IHC. His job is to speak up about the human rights of people with intellectual disability
Trish leads IHC’s advocacy work programme that seeks to increase government and community response to the human rights of people with intellectual disability.
3:45pm Wrap Up and Conclusion
To Register: Click here
Fee: Funding from MSD enables us to offer a subsidised rate of: $150 plus GST
Family members Free
Exhibitors: There will be space available for organisations to exhibit and showcase products and services. Stands available from $175 plus GST. Contact: