Tēnā koutou katoa

The Pae Ora legislation has given us the mandate and the opportunity to create a system of commissioning that has the needs of whānau and local communities at its heart.
Following months of engagement and consultation, we now have a Te Whatu Ora Commissioning structure and operating model that will help us achieve our goal of ensuring all New Zealanders have appropriate, equitable and accessible health services.
I was able to share the final decision document with the Te Whatu Ora Commissioning whānau and am delighted to share this news with you too.
What This Means For You
Over the coming months we will transition to the new structure. During this establishment period Commissioning teams will continue to operate business as usual. This means you should continue to reach out and raise questions or concerns in the usual way, with your usual teams.
A phased recruitment into the new structure will occur from August 2023 with final positions in place early in the New Year.
The process will begin with internal expressions of interest from staff whose roles are disestablished. Where we are unable to fill positions through the expression of interest, we will recruit externally.
This work will happen at pace to ensure we can advance the important work of commissioning and reach certainty for the whole team, including our partners, as soon as possible.
Keep an eye on the Te Whatu Ora career’s page: Job Search Results | Health New Zealand (tewhatuora.govt.nz)
How feedback from kaimahi informed our decisions
Our kaimahi have played a significant part in getting us to this point. We are grateful for the thoughtful and considered way people responded to our initial proposals through the consultation process.
We received more than 2,500 submissions and hundreds of staff took part in the hui and workshops we held around the motu in May. As a result of this mahi we can move forward with a much stronger, more robust structure and operating model for Commissioning.
People strongly agreed with the vision and principles underpinning the proposed structure, including the need for planning a whole system of care that reflects whānau and community priorities and improves efficiency, quality and equity.
There was support for the “life course” approach to designing a health system that promotes good health and doesn’t just treat illness. “Starting well”, “living well”, “mentally well” and “ageing well” teams will be established.
There was strong support for a system that is nationally planned, regionally empowered and locally tailored, informed by clinical expertise, people with lived experience and local voices. So, the foundations of our final structure remain the same:
- Local teams that support localities and a place-based approach to planning to ensure decision-making is as close to communities as possible.
- National teams to reduce duplication and improve efficiency and consistency will work alongside sector experts, those with lived experience and many diverse voices, leading to a stronger health system.
- Regional teams that weave together national system design planning with the aspirations identified at the local level.
As a result of feedback on other areas of the Consultation document, and discussions with unions and other teams across Te Whatu Ora, further changes have been made to the final structure, including strengthening our capability to address our Te Tiriti obligations and achieve Hauora Māori through our recruitment and competency framework. And establishing dedicated roles to support health equity for disabled people, the rainbow community, and for refugee and migrant communities in areas where there are significant populations.
You can stay in touch with your Regional Way finder through the following contacts:
Northern Danny Wu danny.wu@health.govt.nz | Te Manawa Taki Nicola Ehau nicola.ehau@health.govt.nz |
Central Tricia Keelan tricia.keelan@health.govt.nz | Te Waipounamu Chiquita Hansen chiquita.hansen@health.govt.nz |
Thank you
Finally, I want to thank you for the care and respect you have shown and continue to show our teams. The changes are significant and so I thank you for your patience and perseverance through these times.
Commissioning Final for External Stakeholders PDF
Simplify to Unify – Commissioning Letter including Invitation PDF