Disability: Visual Impairment

The Eastgate Community Trust

Organisation Details Eastgate Community Trust supports adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Contact Name: Felicity Bell Address: PO Box 54 212 The Marina Auckland 2144 Phone: 09

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Geneva Elevator

Organisation Details Geneva Elevator is a specialist consultancy service offering a wide range of employment, training and support options to clients with diverse needs.We offer

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Manawanui Support Ltd

Organisation Details Manawanui is New Zealand’s leading host of self-directed services. We work with the Ministries of Health & Social Development and DHBs across the

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HLC Employment Services

Organisation Details Support to find employment for people who identify as having a disability/health condition who are in receipt of Jobseeker Support or Supported Living

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Disabled Persons’ Assembly NZ

Organisation Details Disabled Persons’ Assembly NZ (DPA) is a Disabled Persons’ Organisation (a national organisation governed by disabled people) which provides a collective voice for

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