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A message from the NZDSN Board
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A message from the NZDSN Board

Sean Stowers (Board Chair)
The NZDSN Board met for the first time since late last year. A busy but productive agenda included finalising the review of NZDSN’s strategic plan, consideration of the many challenges our sector faces, including omicron, pay equity, funding issues, the many changes affecting the shape of our government and the sector staffing crisis.
A message from our CEO

Peter Reynolds (CEO)
Another busy month. More COVID issues, particularly RAT supplies. D-day for the launch of the Ministry for Disabled People gets ever closer and pay equity issues are ramping up.
What’s happening in our sector
Enabling Good Lives Toolbox and creating a ‘Connection Matrix’.
A presentation by Lisa Martin, Director of Complex Care Group to the NZDSN Auckland Regional Networking meeting 02-03-22
NZDSN feedback to the Human Rights Commission on the Inquiry into the Support of Disabled People and Whānau During the Omicron Outbreak.Disability Commissioner’s Inquiry into disability support during Omicron
NZDSN Policy Analyst

Dr Solmaz Nazari (Policy Analyst)
Solmaz provided a presentation on housing for people with disabilities. Amongst the issues covered were current issues in the housing market, Specific issues in the housing market for people with disabilities and What is NZDSN doing?
NZDSN Auckland Regional Co-ordinator

Kristi Shaw (Auckland Regional Co-ordinator)
Auckland Regional Network Meeting. This was held on the 2nd March and covered present challenges in the sector as well as NZDSN discussing the creation of a policy position on housing for people with disabilities, co-design with Community Housing Alliance and co-creating collaborative Initiatives.
MSD Training Fund reminder
The Training and Workforce Development Fund supports Employment, Participation and Inclusion Service providers to improve and develop their services through learning and training.
People can apply any time throughout the year. Go to our website for further information.
NZDSN National Employment Services

Gordon Boxall (National Employment Services Co-ordinator)
Gordon discusses Contingency planning for the community spread of Omicron, the Level 5 Diploma in Employment Support, the International Initiative for Mental Health and Disability Leadership, the Employment Support Practice Guidelines whilst also touching on the school transition review and training needs.
Member profile
This month our member profile focuses on Drake Medox.

From their inception in 1971, Drake Medox has been the health and community care recruitment arm of Drake International. Over the last 50 years, Drake Medox has become one of the most respected providers of permanent and flexible healthcare professionals and support services in New Zealand. They provide professional health and community staff and work closely with some of our nation’s largest hospitals, medical corporations and facilities in providing nursing, personal care, homecare and allied health staff. Drake Medox has extensive experience in home and community care, providing support workers for families and individuals who require all levels of support at home or in the community.
The next Auckland regional networking meeting for 2022.
Wednesday 29th June 2022
9.30 am-12.30 pm
Register here
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