Inside this Issue
A message from the NZDSN Board
A message from our CEO
NZDSN Policy Analyst
NZDSN Auckland Regional Co-ordinator
NZDSN National Employment Services Co-ordinator
The benefits of NZDSN Membership
MSD Training Fund
Member Profile
Upcoming events
Before you Go
Members’ Only Facebook and LinkedIn Groups
A message from the NZDSN Board

The Board discussed a recent BIM (Briefing for Incoming Minister) document designed for the new (Interim) CEO of Whaikaha. This has been submitted and welcomed by the Ministry and is available on NZDSN’s website.
A version of this BIM is being re-framed for the new Minister, Hon Poto Williams.
NZDSN’s AGM is coming up on 22nd September 2022. There are three vacancies for Board positions and nominations will be called for shortly.
The Board discussed a number of factors impacting on the wider sector currently, including the pay equity claim, the transition of Careerforce to Te Pukenga, the Royal Commission Inquiry into Abuse of Disabled People in Residential Care and other transition issues relating to the establishment of Whaikaha and impacts on the Ministry of Health, MSD, Health NZ and so on. Attending the NZDSN Board meeting for a period were Amanda Bleckmann (Interim Deputy Chief Executive – Operational Design and Delivery) and Rachel Daysh (Group Manager, Specialist Services – Disability). Concern was expressed about the delay in providing the funding for the 3% interim wage rate increase from the revised 2017 Pay Equity Settlement, and when we might learn more about the distribution of funding from the 2022 government Budget. Work is underway on both of these issues but was delayed as a result of the establishment of Whaikaha. We hope to see details of at least the wage rate uplift within the next week. Whaikaha are also working on a plan to address the respite shortage, in Auckland in the first instance. They are also engaging with Health on the ongoing adverse impact on the workforce of the vaccination mandate order.

A busy month includes highlights from the world of politics, unemployment issues, pay equity, and health workforce decisions and the implications for disability support.

The contribution from Solmaz this month covers the new Ministry of Disabled People, our government input and engagements as well as the additional funding to support Care in the Community. Solmaz also discusses additional funding for the disability sector, immigration, COVID-19 and pay equity.
NZDSN Auckland Regional Co-ordinator

In this newsletter, Kristi covers the discussions from the Auckland Regional Network meeting in well as the spinoff groups that have been formed.
NZDSN National Employment Services Co-ordinator

Gordon gives you more information on member development, support and satisfaction around employment support. He also covers a review of the Diploma in Workforce Support. Gordon and Grant Cleland met with the MSD Policy team working on Employment Matters and he gives feedback on this.
The benefits of NZDSN Membership
- subsidised access to our Provider Development Programme and the Members’ Only commentary on breaking news in the sector.
- participation in regional networks for providers
- access to our communications, newsletters, publications, online discussions, working parties and reference groups
- the ability to connect with other providers
- access to our Partnership Scheme which offers exclusive discounts for provider organisations and their staff
- our membership covers a wide variety of provider interests including: employment support, residential services, supporting living, and other specialised service
- Representation and a loud and unified voice
The Ministry of Social Development has renewed our Training and Workforce Development Fund contract. This fund supports Employment, Participation and Inclusion Service providers to improve and develop their services through learning and training.
People are welcome to apply at any time throughout the year. Please go to our website for further information and to submit applications.

Since 1989 Community Living has supported disabled people to live the life of their choice, thriving as part of the community.
We provide an individualised service led by the people we support. Based in Hamilton, we work with communities throughout the middle of the North Island including the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Taranaki.
With our partners we now support more than 800 individuals of all ages. In October 2021 Lifestyle Choices in the Bay of Plenty joined the Community Living whānau and are now operating under the name Community Choices. They serve approximately 60 people in their own home or in residential homes. Here are some key points:
- Disabled people lead in our organisation both on the board and through Ko Tātou Tēnei – our board advisory group made up of the people we work for.
- We support 165 people, 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year in individual homes and flats, and we own 39 houses and units on top of some 35 – 40 flats. We rent these from both Community Housing and private landlords, depending on our client needs.
- We help around 175 whānau/families who have a family member with a disability living at home with them, and we have a range of supports including respite and Supported Independent Living.
- We support 100 people to obtain real meaningful work or to gain the skills that will help them to get a job.
- We provide specialist support such as therapy services across the region and protective services for people with a disability or with a history of offending.
- We employ more than 520 people in various part-time and full-time roles. Irrespective of the nature of our roles or positions, we are all here to work in partnership with people with disabilities, their whānau/family and the broader community and help to facilitate each individual to live their dreams through community connections.
The sector is changing rapidly and we’ve been at the forefront of the Enabling Good Lives approach, which for us means “Nou Te Mana” or “The power is within you”. Nou Te Mana is our focus going forward, with disabled people leading at all levels of our organisation.
Understanding the Immigration Changes and what that means for your Support Worker Vacancies
Tuesday 16th August 10am to 11.30am
Join Paul Millar from the Ministry of Business, Immigration and Employment for a briefing and discussion on the recent Immigration changes and how these may help you to fill urgent vacancies for Support Workers.
Register Here for this free information webinar for NZDSN members.
Registrations close Friday 12th August.
A Zoom link will be sent out to all those who have registered once registrations close.
Thursday 22nd September
10:30 am
Members’ Only Facebook and LinkedIn Groups
Our open Facebook page is:
Our Members’ Only Facebook group is:
Our LinkedIn New Zealand Disability Support Network profile is:
New Zealand Disability Support Network LinkedIn
Our Members’ Only LinkedIn profile is
LinkedIn Members’ Only
NZDSN Newsletter 08 August 2022 word
NZDSN Newsletter 08 August 2022 pdf