The 2023 Annual General Meeting of NZDSN (New Zealand Disability Support Network) will be held on Thursday 28th September 2023, between 10.00am and 12:00pm, via Zoom. (A zoom link will be sent out to those financial members who have registered through our website)
Register here
Notices of Motion and Remits
If you intend to submit a notice of motion and / or remit for this AGM meeting, please notify Divya at of this intention by Thursday 24th August 2022 with the actual words of the motion and / or remit by 5pm Thursday 31st August 2023. Please note that all notices of motion and remits should be made in writing and be dated and signed by the mover and seconder, both of whom must be financial members of NZDSN. Please include an explanation for the reasons for the motion.
Any items of general business for the AGM, need to be notified to Divya by Thursday 7th September 2023. The final agenda for the Annual General Meeting, including any notices of motion, will be sent out to financial members prior to Thursday 21st September 2023.
Changes to the NZDSN Constitution
Two issues have caused the NZDSN Board to review the association’s Constitution and make changes. The first is the imminent implementation of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. We have obtained legal advice and made a number of changes to ensure compliance. The second issue involves changes the Board has approved to our Life Membership Policy to make the associated process more transparent and robust.
We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the proposed changes so that any queries you have can be addressed at the AGM and approval by the membership attending the AGM is obtained.
The Constitution and proposed changes are also attached in both Word and PDF formats.
NZDSN Constitution – August 2023 word
NZDSN Constitution – August 2023 pdf
Changes to the NZDSN Consitution word
Changes to the NZDSN Consitution pdf
Board Election
We encourage members to participate in the Board election process and the AGM as part of ensuring that NZDSN remains relevant and accountable to its membership.
Nominations for election to the Board of the New Zealand Disability Support Network Incorporated are now open. This year, there are two (2) Board positions available for election.
The closing date for nominations is 5pm Thursday 31st August 2023.
A copy of the official nomination form can be found below.
NZDSN Board Vacancy Nomination Form – 2023 AGM word
NZDSN Board Vacancy Nomination Form – 2023 AGM pdf
The nominee, proposer and seconder must be financial members of the Association as at the closing date of nominations. The nominee should have read and understood the requirements and responsibilities as outlined in the New Zealand Disability Support Network Constitution, available on the web site
A brief biography should accompany the nomination form along with an electronic photo.
Please forward to Contact: Divya Reddy 04 473 4678 for further information.