
Recordings of the 2023 NZDSN Conference Sessions

Day 1 – Session 1
·  Opening by Kaumatua Graham to 7.31
·  Welcome by Peter Reynolds CEO of NZDSN and Sean Stowers  NZDSN Board Chair
· Key note speaker Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Minister for Disability Issues
· Comments and questions for the Minister
Day 1 – Session 2
· Presentation from Tui Tuia
· Presentation from Ben Drew from the United States/United Kingdom
Day 1 – Session 3
· Panel Discussion
Day 1 – Session 4
· Concurrent Session Residential Workforce
Day 1 – Session 5
· My Home, my choice – Gordon Boxall
Day 1 – Session 6
· Presentation from Paula Tesoriero
· Questions for the CEO of Whaikaha
· Presentation from John Taylor

Day 2 – Session 1
· Conference Political Panel Discussion
Day 2 Session 2
· Commissioning & Funding Key Note Speaker – Rt Hon Sir Bill English
· Commissioning Funding Panel Question & Answer time
· Commissioning & Funding Concurrent session – Residential
Day 2 – Session 3
· Pay Equity Panel Discussion
Day 2 – Session 4
· Pay Equity Concurrent Session Residential

Notes taken from the 2023 NZDSN Conference Concurrent Sessions

 WorkforceAccessibility & HousingCommissioning & Funding
ResidentialWorkforce Concurrent Session – Residential – pdf   Workforce Concurrent Session – Residential – word docAccessibility & Housing Concurrent Session – Residential – pdf   Accessibility & Housing Concurrent session – Residential – word doc 
CommunityWorkforce Concurrent Session – Community pdf   Workforce Concurrent Session – Community word doc Commissioning Funding Panel Concurrent session pdf   Commissioning Funding Panel Concurrent session pdf  
VocationalWorkforce Concurrent Session – Vocational pdf   Workforce Concurrent Session – Vocational word doc  

2023 NZDSN Conference Awards Recipients

NZDSN Leadership AwardJohn Taylor, Community Connections
NZDSN Community Choice AwardMedia Lab, Spectrum Care
NZDSN Resilience AwardHohepa Hawke’s Bay
NZDSN Most Innovative Technology or Research in 2022/23 AwardNot awarded
NZDSN Excellence in Employment Support PracticeNot awarded

NZDSN congratulates the recipients of awards this year and thanks all nominees for their support of the awards process.

2023 NZDSN Conference – Questions for the Minister

The following questions and statements were made by conference attendees:

If you have any photos from our conference, you are happy to share, send them to to have them added here and on our Facebook page.

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