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Organisation Details

A Supported Life (ASL) offers adolescents and adults with an intellectual disability a wide range of support opportunities and residential options in their own community.

ASL is a niche provider, committed to offering a unique and flexible service style that arises from the individual’s own aspirations and needs.

ASL offers both a residential and community inclusion/vocational focus in delivering support to those it serves.


Name: Carissa Pereira
Address: Box 83 254, Edmonton, Waitakere, Auckland 0610
Phone: 09 836 1740
Email: carissa@asupportedlife.co.nz
Web: www.asupportedlife.com

Organisation Details

ABI Rehab provides interdisciplinary, client and whanau-centred rehab including prevention, assessment and treatment relating to trauma and neuro-disability.  ABI Rehab forms positive relationships, innovates and enables people to achieve health and wellbeing.  Services are provided in the community for children, youth and adults, mostly in Northland, Auckland, Wellington, Kapiti, Wairarapa, Mid Central Regions but there are some specialist national services.  Sub-acute rehabilitation and residential disability services for adults are proved in Auckland and Wellington


Name:  Dr Christine Howard-Brown
Address: 180 Metcalf Rd, Ranui, Auckland
Phone: Community Services 09 373 7850 (Epsom Branch) 04 240 0122 (Wellington) 09 826 4004 (North West) Inpatient and Residential services 09 831 0070 (Auckland 04 237 0128 Wellington
Email: referrals@abi-rehab.co.nz
Web: https://www.abi-rehab.co.nz/

Access Advisors are a pan-disability digital accessibility consultancy. Our mission is to help New Zealand become more digitally inclusive.
We offer a variety of accessibility services. We can perform a review of your existing site to quantify where you are at. We can also provide training to help you improve increase your internal capability.

Name: Chandra Harrison
Address: 33B Leeston Road, Springston, 7616, Canterbury
Phone: 027 395 8870
Email: Chandra.harrsion@accessadvisors.nz
Web: https://accessadvisors.nz/ 

We’re all about meeting you in your space wherever that space may be. Since the 1920s, we’ve been right here in Aotearoa, offering disability support, nursing and home care. We work closely with MSD – Disability Support, Te Whatu Ora, and ACC to lend a hand to over 40,000 people nationwide.

Our skilled team of nēhi|nurses and kaiāwhina|support workers are here to help you live your best life. Whether it’s reaching your goals or connecting with your community, we’re with you every step of the way. A partnership with Access means you paddle your own waka, we come along for the ride. Trust us to be part of your journey and discover a better day, every day.

Name: Androulla Kotrotsos
Address: 106-110 Jackson Street, Petone
Phone: 027 247 1724
Email: referral_enquiry@access.org.nz / androulla_kotrotsos@access.org.nz
Web: www.access.org.nz

Accessable – Solutions for better living
Accessable works hard to support solutions for people with disabilities and injuries by providing quality equipment and modifications to help them lead better lives. With 95 staff, we strive to provide a high level of customer service in a helpful, efficient and timely manner. We work closely with the Ministry of Health, District Health Boards and ACC, suppliers and contractors, other organisations, and customers, family/whanau and their carers.
Accessable provides Ministry of Health equipment, housing and vehicle modifications and ACC housing modifications, for people who have difficulty with everyday tasks due to disability or injury. We work closely with a range of health professionals along with equipment suppliers and building contractors to provide the solutions that are needed.

Name: Graham Walling
Address: 9 Airpark Drive, Māngere, Auckland 2022
Phone: 0508 001 002
Email: gwalling@accessable.co.nz
Web: https://www.accessable.co.nz/



Acorn Neurodiversity is a not-for-profit giving neurodivergent children and youth the tools they need to reach their potential. We are building a future in which all neurodivergent people can fully participate, belong and thrive. Acorn supports children and young people ages 2-22 who are experiencing challenges related to autism, ADHD, sensory processing, developmental delays, dyspraxia/DCD, FASD and more.

We provide comprehensive diagnostic assessments, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, behavioural therapy, and mental health services all in one place with coordinated care, giving every family a support team. Additionally, we support inclusive education by providing professional development to early childhood educators and teachers/ Kaiako.


Name: Tami Harris (CEO)
Address: 3 William Laurie Place, Albany 0632
Phone: (09) 281 4857
Email: admin@acornneurodiversity.co.nz
Web: www.acornneurodiversity.co.nz

ADAPT strives to support developers and operators to deliver excellent lifestyle based outcomes to those with intellectual disabilities.
Our aspiration is to create new universal design led homes in co-living developments. We wish to create spaces that foster independence whilst using intuitive design to encourage connection with the community. We recognise that every one of us needs space to be alone but never lonely. A place to call home.

A registered charitable trust, Assisting Different Abilities Peoples Trust (ADAPT), was born mid 2018. At inception ADAPT purchased two homes in Thames, which were already being used by ten individuals. Together with the assisted living service provider, ADAPT has been able to improve these homes and bring in universal design principles to ensure that they are more built for purpose- creating a more pleasant environment for the individuals living inside them.


Contact Details:

Name: Tony Emett

Phone: 021 502779

Email: tony.emett@adapt.org.nz

Website: https://www.adapt.org.nz

Address: c/o Holland Beckett Law, 525 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3110

Organisation Details

Agape Care is an inter-denominational Christian ministry based in West Auckland, providing residential and vocational services.


Name: Diane Bell
Address: PO Box 69-210, Glendene, Waitakere
Phone: 09 837 8597
Web: www.agapecare.org.nz


AIM offers an individualised vocational service designed to mentor, support and empower young adults with intellectual disabilities (regardless of the level of disability) from the age of 16 years upward. 
We aim to provide support and opportunities for achieving personal goals and participatory roles within the wider community.
We are based in the wonderful town of Warkworth in the Rodney District, just north of Auckland, New Zealand

Name: Jane Blackbourn
Address: 16 Auckland Road, Warkworth 0910
Phone: 09 422 3554
Email: adultsinmotion@gmail.com
Web: https://www.adultsinmotionnz.com/


Organisation Details

AJ’s provide support to adults with an intellectual disability within the area of Christchurch. AJ’s mission statement is “A quality lifestyle through meaningful activities and community involvement.” AJ’s support each individual to achieve the goals they have identified through the AJ’s My Goals procedure. AJs Performance Outcomes: • AJ’s aim to provide a relaxed low key facility based environment that enables people with intellectual disability to develop their confidence and skills at their own pace • AJ’s provide people the opportunity to feel they are contributing to their local community by being involved with work contracts from local businesses • AJ’s provide support for people to have the opportunity to be involved in local community based recreational activities of their choice. • AJ’s encourage people to be as independent as possible while involved in activities of their choice.


Name: Jim Sullivan
Address: 426 Tuam St. PO Box 32 107 Linwood, Christchurch 8147
Phone: 03 374 9830 or 027 223 0935
Email: jims@ajs.org.nz
Web: www.ajs.org.nz

Alpha are committed to providing holistic community-based, culturally sensitive vocational rehabilitation services, by providing customised and sustainable workplace rehabilitation, pre-employment training and placement solutions.

We are a national company located throughout New Zealand. Our highly qualified, experienced and passionate people work collaboratively with our clients and their customers to help and assist working age people to prepare for, make the transition to and find suitable and sustainable employment.

The Alpha way is to facilitate a positive and secure environment within which people feel able to develop and grow in order to secure economic independence and a feeling of social wellbeing as they enter and remain in employment. Our trained consultants, therapists and work brokers are suitably motivated and equipped with the skills and resources to secure successful outcomes throughout New Zealand whether it be in a remote rural area or a large urban centre.

By delivering needs driven vocational rehabilitation solutions, we achieve the desired outcomes by taking an approach which both motivates and inspires self confidence in the individual as quickly as possible.

Alpha provides customised vocational rehabilitation solutions , assessments, work trials, work ready and pre-employment programmes, graduated return to work assistance, placement services and in work support.


Name: David Broomhead
Address: Level 1, 35 Grey Street, Tauranga, 3110
Phone: 07 579 0525
Email: david.broomhead@alphaconsultants.co.nz
Web: https://www.alphaconsultants.co.nz/

ANZMES stands for the “Association of New Zealand Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Society Inc.” and is the national advisory body and support organization for ME sufferers and their carers in New Zealand. It was founded in 1980 and was the first ME organization of its type in the world. The Functions of ANZMES as per our Constitution as a non-profit include: > Supporting ME patients and their carers in New Zealand. > Producing the quarterly magazine ‘Meeting Place’ to inform members of the latest news, events and research pertaining to ME/CFS. > Procuring political support for the ME cause with the aim of bettering conditions for ME patients. > Facilitating communication between sufferers of the condition. > Acting as a respected national and international ‘voice’ on ME matters. > Encouraging research and education about ME. > Updating healthcare providers on the latest advances regarding this condition. > Co-ordinating and fostering the growth of local support groups throughout the country. > Providing information and resources to individuals and groups as required. ANZMES is run by an executive committee of unpaid volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to the cause. The team is passionate about raising awareness, reducing stigma, advocating for improved outcomes, and ensuring relevant evidence-based biomedical research is funded in New Zealand. The National Co-ordinator is the sole employee of ANZMES who ensures smooth delivery of all services, and is the first point of contact for all queries.

Name: Angela Cayford – National Co-ordinator / Fiona Charlton President
Address: Community House, 301 Moray Place, Dunedin Central, Dunedin, 9016 
Phone: 03 471 6203
Email: info@anzmes.org.nz  president@anzmes.org.nz
Web: www.anzmes.org.nz

Aroha Health Care specializes in providing comprehensive support services for individuals with disabilities. With a commitment to enhancing the quality of life for our clients, we offer personalized assistance in home support, personal care, and disability support services.

Name:Nithin Mohan (General Manager)

Address: 12b Hammond Street, Hamilton City Central, Hamilton, 3204
Phone: 022 402 9949
Email: info@arohacare.co.nz / nithin.mohan@arohacare.co.nz
Web: https://arohacare.co.nz

Organisation Details

Arohanui is a service provider offering community participation and meaningful day activities for people aged 16 years and over with a disability.

Arohanui has been delivering quality individually focused services since 1999.

We currently have three centres situated in the Tauranga and Te Puke communities.

Arohanui offers a boutique-type service with high staff-to-client ratios and a wide range of resources and equipment. We will listen to what you want and work with you to provide a service that will assist each individual to achieve their dreams, aspirations and goals.

Arohanui Art & Education Trust is committed to the holistic support of people with special needs. To encourage the growth, well being and pursuit of a rich and rewarding lifestyle through self expression and purposeful endeavour, enabling the individual to confidently take their place as a valued member of the community.


Name: Peter Gibson
Address: PO Box 196, Te Puke 3153
Phone: 07 573 7377
Web: www.arohanuitrust.co.nz

Organisation Details

Aspire – Community Support is all about people. We want to provide you with disability support that meets your needs – whatever they may be. We work with a variety of funders, including Ministry of Health, Enabling Good Lives, Ministry of Social Development and ACC. We can make your journey to individualised funding and budgets easy. We provide highly trained staff supported by a highly experienced leadership team and back office crew. We take care of the administration – you get on with living a great life.


Name: Judy Fynn
Address: 103 Tawa St, Melville, Hamilton. PO Box 4083, Hamilton East 3247
Phone: 07 839 0183
Web: www.aspire.org.nz

Assistive Technology Suppliers New Zealand (ATSNZ) is a society made up of a cross section of manufacturers, equipment suppliers and service providers who work throughout New Zealand.
ATSNZ’s objectives are:
1. To give rehab suppliers a voice that: A. Has a positive influence on Government policy through a representative, unified approach. B. Educates Government and other stakeholders about our industry. C. Promotes a robust, competitive and commercially viable marketplace.
2. To improve the quality of equipment provision by: A. Supporting the ongoing training and education of Allied Health Professionals and prescribers. B. Promoting ethical business practices that safeguard the interests of the end user. C. Participating in the development of appropriate and cost-effective product standards.
3. To develop alliances with all industry stakeholders to: A. Drive continued improvements in outcomes for end users. B. Minimise the total lifetime costs of equipment. C. Ensure an open, fair and competitive market

Name: Ingrid van Rijn
Address: 29 Triton Drive, North Harbour, Auckland
Phone: 021 118 3822
Email: ingrid@atsnz.org.nz
Web: http://atsnz.org.nz

We will support you and provide the stepping stones to accessing open employment

We provide individually-tailored support to people to enable them to participate and contribute to their communities in ways valued by them and their communities.


Name: Steve Hales
Address: 38g McLean St. New Plymouth
Phone: 0274153954
Email: gm@atawhai.co.nz
Not available

Since the Trust started operating in 1987 we’ve learned a few things about helping people with disabilities to live an ordinary life. One of the keys to helping clients is a simple one. When someone walks through our doors, we don’t see their disability and what they can’t do, but what they can do. That’s an attitude the community needs to take on. In many ways, it’s about giving people a chance and that’s what this trust is all about.

For clients who access our services we are a stepping stone into employment, community-based activities, skills/personal development and more. I’m very proud of our staff, both past and present, who recognise that everyone has the potential to do something in the way of work, or developing social skills which develop pathways to employment and the community. We don’t put people in cotton wool or treat them with kid gloves; people are people. We don’t treat people differently because they have a disability. Nor do they want us to.

Name: Steve Hales
Address: McLean Street, Strandon, New Plymouth 4312
Phone: 06 758 0397
Email: gm@atawhai.co.nz
Web: https://www.atawhai.co.nz/

Organisation Description:

Auckland Disability Law (ADL) provides free legal services to disabled people associated with their disability related legal issues. ADL is the only specialist disability law community law centre in Aotearoa New Zealand. ADL provides legal education on disability law in the community and within disability and legal organisations. We work with the Disability and Deaf communities through our community engagement and law reform activities.


Name:  Geraldine Lewis
Address: Unit 9, Shop 27, Mangere Town Centre, Mangere, Manukau, 2022
Phone: 09 257 5140
Email: info@adl.org.nz
Web: aucklanddisabilitylaw.org.nz

Organisation Details

We at Avonside House Trust provide a caring home, based on Christian values, for mild-to-moderately intellectually disabled men from young adulthood onwards.

Here, they can develop independent social and living skill, and – if the wish – eventually go on to live in the wider community.

We aim to help all our residents expand their skills while they are with us, by providing good-quality, home-like accommodation and supervision alongside practical vocational and social programmes.


Name: Shona Mabon
Address: Unit 4, Level 1, 159 Cranford St, St Albans, Christchurch
Phone: 03 379 9656
Email: admin@avonsidehouse.org.nz
Web: http://www.avonsidehouse.org.nz/

Organisation Details

Bainfield Park Residential Care is a residential service providing support for individuals with predominantly non-age-related disabilities. Self-contained units and studio rooms complement the main facility.


Name: Jane Collins – Manager
Address: 500 North Road, Invercargill; PO Box 5005, Invercargill
Phone: 03 215 9155
Email: manager@bainfieldpark.com 

Organisation Details

We equip people with the skills needed to participate fully in society. This includes support in living independently, getting around, using technology, continuing to read and communicate, being socially active and staying in or looking for work.


Name: Communications
Address: 4 Maunsell Rd, Parnell, Auckland
Phone: 0800 24 33 33
Email: generalenquiries@blindfoundation.org.nz
Web: www.blindfoundation.org.nz

Organisation Details

At Brackenridge, people are our priority, supporting people with learning disabilities and autism to create and lead their lives, their way.  Fantastic normal everyday lives where people are included as valued members in our community and live happy and fulfilling lives.


Name: Pip Stewart
Address: Private Bag, 4738, Christchurch
Phone: 03 926 1960
Web: www.brackenridge.org.nz

Organisation Details

Cambridge Disablity Enterprise Incorporated t/a Achievement House is a disability enterprise that offers people with disability opportunities in employment, occupation, community participation and social engagement. We contract to Government Ministries to provide these supports. We are based in the CBD of Cambridge and our supports are available to anyone meeting Ministry of Social Development or Ministry of Health criteria for disability support funding.


Name: Neil Fynn
Address: 13 Wilson St. CMB. PO Box 231 Cambridge 3450
Phone: 07 827 7441 / 027 440 1919
Email: achievementhouse@xtra.co.nz
Web: N/A

Organisation Details

Care on Call is an in-home care company founded in 2009 with a mission to provide quality care to a growing client base.  We provide a variety of services tailored to the individual nees of you and your family, including home care, respite care, dementia care, palliative care, post-operative care, individualised funding and disability support.

We aim to bring our unique values into the healthcare sector, prioritising being caring, reliable, responsive, ethical and individual in our approach to caregiving.


Name: Christine Issah
Address: Level 5, 55 Anzac Avenue, Auckland 1010
Phone: 0800 664 422
Email: care@careoncall.co.nz
Web: www.careoncall.co.nz

Organisation Details

Career Moves supported employment agency is a multi-faceted agency working with disability, job seekers and open recruitment. We work in all of the smaller towns across the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and offer a range of ways to meet and engage with our clients.

Our team of consultants offer support with career planning, career planning, tailored specifically to you! Let us help you through the employment process, with interview coaching and so much more.


Name: Mark Smith
Address: 13 Keddell Street Frankton, Hamilton 3204
Phone: 07 839 7367
Web: www.careermoves.org.nz

Organisation Details

Catapult Employment Services is an employment service for both employers and jobseekers, that has been helping Cantabrians into employment for over 10 years. We have employment consultants and offer an counselling around anxieties with employment.


Name: Vicky Braid
Address: PO Box 33368 Barrington Christchurch 8244
Phone: 03 365 7005
Web: www.catapult.org.nz

Organisation Details

CCS Disability Action works in partnership with disabled people, their families and whanau to ensure equality of opportunity, quality of life and an environment that enhances full community integration and participation.
CCS Disability Action exists to make a difference for disabled people, their families and whanau by removing barriers to inclusion and by offering support, advocacy and information to disabled people so they can access all ordinary opportunities in their communities.
Our community is made up of all disabled people and their families and whanau, who live in Aotearoa/New Zealand. We include all people who face barriers to inclusion on the basis of disability and all who want to access the disability support services we provide.


Name: Melissa Smith
Address: Level 3, 94 Dixon Street, Wellington; PO Box 6349, Marion Square, Wellington
Phone: 04 384 5677
Web: www.ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz

Organisation Details

To be provided


Name: Alison Wildey
Address:  PO Box 446 Alexandra
Phone: 03 4487748
Email: alison@livingoptions.org.nz
Web: N/A

Organisation Details

Changing Lives NZ is an MOH and CDHB funded organisation that care and support adults with an intellectual disability. We are highly skilled, dedicated and fun, with a proven track record of changing lives for the better.

Changing Lives NZ has 3 homes offering an alternative approach to Residential Care.

My family live onsite and this unique arrangement enables us to provide an environment where the Residents feel a belonging to an extended whanau.

We strive to provide an individualised service and each person is recognised as a valid and contributing member of their home.

Vision – To be the first choice for people seeking the provision of residential care care for the intellectually disabled.


Name:   Glenn Counsell
Address:  10 Ferngrove Place, Queenspark, Christchurch, 8083
Phone:  03 3834003  or 0273300050
Email:  pazak@clear.net.nz
Web: www.changinglives.co.nz

Organisation Details

Claddagh Haven Trust is a residential care provider caring for people with intellectual disabilities in the community.

Our homes are located in Lincoln, Rolleston and West Melton.


Name: Mary-Ann Robson
Address: PO Box 69-126, Lincoln, Christchurch 7640
Phone: 03 349 5848

Organisation Details

Comcare Trust is an innovative, forward-thinking organisation that:

  • Is recovery focused and builds on people’s strengths
  • Delivers positive results for people and their families to live well in the community
  • Takes a practical approach, doing what is necessary to assist people overcome the barriers to independence and moving forward


Name: Louise Deane
Address: 257 Lincoln Road, Christchurch 8024
Phone: 03 377 2903
Web: http://www.comcare.org.nz/

Organisation Details

We support people with intellectual disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder to live in their community.

Support can be from one hour per week to 24/7 and is designed around the person to meet their individual needs.

People will be supported to live within their own financial means, from their employment income or their benefit.


Name: Mike Brummitt
Address: PO Box 2304, Dunedin 9044
Phone: 03 466 3055
Email: mike@cct.org.nz
Web: www.cct.org.nz

Organisation Details

Community Connections -Te Hāpori Āwhina Tāngata is a support agency that looks to partner with disabled people and their families to assist the person to live their life, in a way that they value, within their community.


Name: John Taylor
Address: 5 Sheffield Street, Paraparaumu, 5032. PO Box 563, Paraparaumu 5254
Phone: 04 2987703
Web: www.ccslt.org.nz

Organisation Details

Since 1989 Community Living has supported disabled people to live the life of their choice, thriving as part of the community.

We provide an individualised service led by the people we support. Based in Hamilton, we work with communities throughout the middle of the North Island including the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Taranaki.

With our partners we now support more than 800 individuals of all ages. In October 2021 Lifestyle Choices in the Bay of Plenty joined the Community Living whānau and are now operating under the name Community Choices. They serve approximately 60 people in their own home or in residential homes. Here are some more key points:

  • Disabled people lead in our organisation both on the board and through Ko Tātou Tēnei – our board advisory group made up of the people we work for.
  • We support 165 people, 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year in individual homes and flats, and we own 39 houses and units on top of some 35 – 40 flats. We rent these from both Community Housing and private landlords, depending on our client needs.
  • We help around 175 whānau/families who have a family member with a disability living at home with them, and we have a range of supports including respite and Supported Independent Living.
  • We support 100 people to obtain real meaningful work or to gain the skills that will help them to get a job.
  • We provide specialist support such as therapy services across the region and protective services for people with a disability or with a history of offending.
  • We employ more than 520 people in various part-time and full-time roles.  Irrespective of the nature of our roles or positions, we are all here to work in partnership with people with disabilities, their whānau/family and the broader community and help to facilitate each individual to live their dreams through community connections

The sector is changing rapidly and we’ve been at the forefront of the Enabling Good Lives approach, which for us means “Nou Te Mana” or “The power is within you”. Nou Te Mana is our focus going forward, with disabled people leading at all levels of our organisation.



Name: Warren Herring
Address: 180 Collingwood St, PO Box 292, Hamilton 3240
Phone: 07 834 3700
Email: enquires@communityliving.org.nz 
Web: www.communityliving.org.nz

Organisation Details

Complex Care Group is a nationwide Disability Information Advisory Service. We support families with a loved one with very high and complex needs. We provide information, advice, guidance and support to families and disabled. We send regular newsletters and updates to members as well as operate a closed Facebook page for families. We engage with government departments regarding the needs of the high and complex needs community.


Name:  Lisa Martin
Address: PO Box 11-533, Ellerslie, Auckland
Phone:0800 852 693 or 027 266 7690
Email:  complexcaregroup@xtra.co.nz
Web:  www.complexcaregroup.org.nz

Organisation Details

Coromandel Independent Living Trust is a broad-based community services provider for the Upper Coromandel Peninsula. Our various programmes are aimed at addressing needs to support people in our community. We currently deliver more than 15 programmes across 10 sites


Name: Mike Noonan
Address: PO Box 25 Coromandel 3543
Phone: 07 866 8358
Email: cilt@cilt.org.nz
Web: https://www.cilt.org.nz/

Organisation Details

Formerly known as Christchurch Residential Care Limited, CRC Limited began its journey back in 1997 as a residential provider for Ministry of Health, ACC, Oranga Tamariki, and some clients that have challenges guided by Corrections.  We can work with dual contracts for the betterment of our people guiding them through rehabilitation, reintegration and enabling better lives through positive behaviour and psychological training of CBT.  CRC have worked hard with advanced risk management for all that come under our umbrella instilling identity and equity.

Alongside this for the last 20 years we have Supported Independent Living (SIL) contracts providing reintegrative programmes in the community.  We continue to this day to support independent living in adults and older teenagers diagnosed with intellectual disability.


Name: Annie McNicol
Address: PO Box 21349, Christchurch 8143
Phone: 027 447 4973
Web: www.crcltd.co.nz

Organisation Details

Creative Abilities is a social services organisation that was established in 1996.

Based on the North Shore, we provide 24-hour supported flatting and day services, with a focus on lifestyle normalisation.

The Creative Abilities team is a dedicated group of people, who work alongside people with physical and other needs.

Services are funded by the ACC, and the Ministries of Health and Social Development.

Our aim is to create, with our clients, a friendly, stimulating, happy and comfortable environment. which leads to full and rewarding lives.


Name: Hannah Gerdin
Address: 14 Silverfield Estate, Wairau Valley, North Shore, Auckland 0627
Phone: 09 444 0608
Email: hannah@creativeabilities.co.nz
Web: www.creativeabilities.co.nz

Organisation Details

Creativeworks provides support to people with experience of a mental illness or disability to find employment and then supports them to maintain this for at least six months.


Christchurch Office

8 Kennedy Place
Christchurch 8022

PO Box 2322
Christchurch 8140

Phone (03) 371 5599

Email: employmentchch@creativeworks.org.nz


Wellington Office

71-73 Port Road
Lower Hutt 5010

PO Box 30229
Lower Hutt 5040

Phone (04) 589 9442

Email: employmentwgtn@creativeworks.org.nz

Crown is privately owned and registered as a Private Training Establishment by NZQA under the Education Act (1989). Established in 1972, Crown is one of New Zealand’s longest-running tertiary institutions providing training in Travel and Tourism, Hospitality, Health and Wellbeing, Business and Computing. In January 2020, the PTE was sold to and purchased by KIEL (Kiwi Institute of Education Limited) and Dr Josephine Do became the new Managing Director. Crown aims to produce work-ready graduates and provides internships/placements/real-world experience to students related to their field of study.

Name: Dr Josephine Do
Address: 80 Anzac Ave, Auckland City
Phone: 021 125 2955
Email: jkdo@crown.ac.nz
Web: www.crown.ac.nz

Organisation Details

We are one of New Zealand’s leading providers of quality and risk management auditing services to the health and disability sector.Working with hospital, age-related residential, residential disability and non-residential community service providers, we foster, encourage, and celebrate quality. As an established and trusted assessment and evaluation agency, we can help you through every step of the certification/accreditation process. Our team of trained health assessors and evaluators, along with our office-based team, are committed to helping you achieve safe services, positive outcomes and to support continuous improvement.


Name: Cathy Cummings
Address: PO Box 5088, Wellington 6140
Phone: 04 499 0367
Email: admin@daagroup.co.nz
Web: www.daagroup.co.nz

Organisation Details

Deaf Aotearoa provides a range of services for the Deaf Community from employment support to providing assistance with equipment.

Accessible information for Deaf people in NZSL.

Resources to help you learn New Zealand Sign Language as well as Deaf Awareness Courses.


Name:  Duty Officer
Address: PO Box 25439, Wellington 6140
Phone: 0800 33 23 22
Email: hello@deaf.org.nz
Web: https://www.deaf.org.nz/

Organisation Details

Disability Connect is a Disability Information Advisory Service. We are based in Penrose and operate throughout Auckland – north to Warkworth and south to Pukekohe.There are lots of ways we can help individuals with a disability, or family members of a disabled person, to navigate the New Zealand disability sector. We hold a CALD DIAS contract (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Disability Information and Advisory Service) covering Counties Manukau DHB area.

This service Community members who will benefit from this service include individuals with a disability, their families, caregivers, providers and the general public. This service will particularly assist Chinese, Indian, Southeast Asian, Other Asian, Middle Eastern, African and Latin American/Hispanic families. We have a Mandarin/Cantonese speaking Information Advisor to assist with the Chinese Community.


Name: Mike Potter
Address: 3b Olive Road, Penrose, Auckland 1061
Phone: 09 636 0351
Email: admin@disabilityconnect.org.nz
Web: http://disabilityconnect.org.nz/

Organisation Details

Disability Resource Centre (HB) Trust support people with disabilities to actively participate in their community. Our Services include: Turning Point: Building confidence and independence equipping people with the skills to be self-directing with their lives to get the best life they can achieve. Transition from School Service: Supporting ORS funded students in their last year of schooling to transition to adult services after school. Network Personnel: An employment service assisting people with long term health conditions or disabilities to find work (supporting them in their work for up to 12 months – or longer if required in special circumstances). SCOPZE: A day Respite Activity Service for High Needs/Very High and Complex Needs clients who wish to have a more structured approach to their day. DIAS: A free Disability Information and Advisory Service assisting people with their enquiries related to anything regarding disability.


Name:Tracey Fraser
Address:PO Box 2348 Hastings 4156
Phone:06 873 8210

Organisation Details

Aspire Canterbury enhance the lives of disabiled people through enabling community participation and maximum independence.  We do this by connecting you to the right resources and reducing everyday barriere, by being a trusted source of information, providing mobility products and associated services and enabling people to achieve their best life.


Name:  Julie Paalvast
Address: Brain Tree Wellness Centre, 70 Langdons Rd, Papanui, Christchurch 8053
Phone: 03 366 6189
Email: manager@aspirecanterbury.org.nz
Web: www.aspirecanterbury.org.nz

Organisation Details

Disabled Persons’ Assembly NZ (DPA) is a Disabled Persons’ Organisation (a national organisation governed by disabled people) which provides a collective voice for disabled people and advocates for the aspirations of its members and for systemic improvement of all disabled people lives.


Name: Esther Woodbury
Address: PO Box 27-524, Marion Square, Wellington 6141
Phone: 04 801 9100
Email: info@dpa.org.nz
Web: www.dpa.org.nz

Organisation Details

Provides residential homes in Christchurch for adults with intellectual disabilities. Five houses each hold up to 6 people at one time. 24 hour supervision. Potential clients should apply for funding to Lifelink. Clients can come from outside Christchurch.


Name:Peter Kelly
Address:34A Brookside Terrace
Phone:021 370 463 or 03 351 7289
Website: donaldsonresidentialtrust.org.nz

From our inception in 1971, Drake Medox has been the health and community care recruitment arm of Drake International.  Over the last 50 year, Drake Medox has grown to be one of the most respected provider of permanent and flexible healthcare professionals and support services in New Zealand.  We provide professional health and community staff.  We work closely with some of our nation’s largest hospitals, medical corporations and facilities in providing nursing, personal care, homecare and allied health staff.  We have extensive experience in home and community care, providing support workers for families and individuals who require all levels of support at home or in the community.

Name: Gay Barton
Address: PO Box 5846, Wellesley Auckland 1142
Phone: 0800 840 940
Email: gbarton@nz.drakeintl.com
Website: www.drakemedox.co.nz

Organisation Details

We are of service to all people who seek our services and are referred to us via a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Service (NASC). The service we provide is support for each person to live their life and to achieve their ambitions.


Name: Jane Kinsey
Address: Private Bag 18, Nelson 7010
Phone: 03 546 1558
Email: Jane.Kinsey@nmhs.govt.nz
Web: www.nmdhb.govt.nz/disabilitysupport.aspx

Organisation Details

DTS EPIC Pathwys supports opportunities for people to participate in their communities, gain employment, learn life and work skills. We support people with disabilities between the ages of 16 to 64 years. People being seen as valued contributors to their community, people having the confidence, skills and support of their families and friends to do whatever they want. Staff also supports people in other areas of their lives, including advocacy, budgeting, and housing. We work alongside the person to achieve their goals; we support people to become independent in all areas of their lives.


Name: Vanessa McIntosh
Address:PO Box 670, Napier, 4140
Phone:06 8358256, 0273032946
Email: manager@dtsnapier.org.nz

Organisation Details

Framework delivers community based mental health and intellectual disability services in greater Auckland from strategic locations throughout the city.

Among non-government agencies, it is a leader in adopting an integrated approach to its delivery of services.

Paramount among these services is community support, supported employment, participation and inclusion.

Framework also provides a variety of training for external staff – Health and Wellbeing Apprenticeship – Level 4, First Aid, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention and other mental health related training.


Address: 51 Huia Rd, Otahuhu Auckland 1062, PO Box 22424 Auckland 1640
Phone: 09 523 2790
Web: www.framework.org.nz

Organisation Details

Emerge Aotearoa is a not-for-profit charitable trust that provides community-based mental health, addiction, disability support and social housing services nationwide to people who are vulnerable or marginalised within their communities.  We believe that everyone is capable of living full and rich lives in their chosen communities when they have access to the right support and opportunities for learning, skill development and rehabilitation. In every aspect of our work we are committed to helping our service users be the best they can be.

We are an organisation with people and heart at its very core.  Our vision of “Realising Potential” Tautokohia te mana tangata, provides us with the ability to see what can be achieved when there is a genuine connection; the ability for someone to see the good in themselves and in others, to recognise the possibility for things to improve, and life to be meaningful and purposeful.  Our values guide the way we work with service users and their families –   Connecting with Purpose – Whakawhānaunga, Engaging with Respect – Manaaki, Walking and Learning Together – Ako and Acting with Integrity – Whakamana; they form the basis of everything we do.

We focus our development and financial investment on four strategic areas, providing resources in:

  • Better meeting the needs of Māori tangata whaiora
  • Better meeting the needs of Pasifika
  • A commitment to participation of people with lived experience and development of peer services
  • Providing social housing to vulnerable populations

We are a large independent service provider with approximately 1,000 frontline staff and managers delivering services for government agencies such as the Ministry of Health, District Health Boards, ACC, Department of Corrections and the Ministry of Social Development. Over the last year we have delivered services for care and support, rehabilitative and reintegration s to over 8,400 people.



  • Emerge Aotearoa was formed earlier this year through a merger of two existing NGOs; Recovery Solutions and Richmond, to create one of New Zealand’s larger independent providers for mental health and addiction services.  Emerge Aotearoa is a not for profit charitable trust.
  • Emerge Aotearoa provides services in community-based mental health, addiction, disability support, social service, intensive monitoring, forensic step-down and social housing services nationwide. We believe that everyone is capable of living full and rich lives in their chosen communities when they have access to the right support and opportunities for learning, skill development and rehabilitation. In every aspect of our work we are committed to helping our service users be the best they can be.
  • We are a large independent service provider in the mental health and addiction sector with approximately 1,000 frontline staff and managers delivering services for government agencies such as the Ministry of Health and district health boards, ACC, Department of Corrections and the Ministry of Social Development. Over the last year we have delivered services for care and support, rehabilitative and reintegration services to over 8,400 individuals from all backgrounds including more than 2,100 Māori, and 750 Pasifika clients.
  • As an organisation, our purpose is to realise potential (Tautokohia te mana tangata) and we do this by providing mana-enhancing services that promote the health and wellbeing of individuals, their whānau and communities (He tuku i nga ratonga whakamana i te oranga e manakohia ana e te tangata, tona, whānau me tona hapori).



  • Gabrielle Huria (Chair)
  • Graeme Bell
  • Dr Hinemoa Elder
  • Faumui Penelope Ginnen (Lope)
  • Shenagh Gleisner
  • Materoa Mar
  • Pat Snedden
  • Sir Pita Sharples (Kaumatua)
  • Tim Walker



  • Barbara Disley, Group Chief Executive
  • Dr Margaret Aimer, Clinical Director
  • Gordon Attwood, GM Mind & Body
  • Karla Bergquist, GM Service Delivery
  • Nicola Coom, GM People Strategy & Performance
  • John Cook, GM Business Services & Social Housing
  • Theodora Despotaki, Director Communications & Stakeholder Engagement
  • Lorna Murray, GM Strategy & Community Development
  • Manu Sione, GM Cultural Development & Leadership


  • Using evidence based knowledge and strategies and building on what we know works
  • Fostering connections by working together, building strong relationships and partnerships
  • Being strengths-based by looking for possibilities rather than problems, options rather than constraints and wellbeing rather than sickness
  • Building self-confidence by creating opportunities for people to experience themselves as competent and successful
  • Putting learning; Ako at the heart of all we do and creating learning opportunities from all our experiences
  • Holding hope for a positive future by encouraging everyone to see new options and opportunities
  • Promoting mutual respect by acknowledging people as being the architect of their own learning, discovery and recovery, and staff enabling this
  • Respecting diversity by being mindful of cultural differences and behaving in ways that are culturally appropriate and respectful
  • Supporting inclusion by touching a person’s life for only as long as we need to, supporting them to become fully included in their whānau and communities
  • Upholding people’s rights and working with them to honour their responsibilities
  • Valuing lived experience by providing fostering mutual respect, sharing and agreement about what is helpful
  • Ensuring support is trauma informed by recognising the impact of past and unresolved trauma
  • Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy home.


The majority of our services are delivered on contract to government agencies and include:

  • Residential Disability Support and Accommodation Services
  • Community Mental Health Residential Forensic Step-Down Services
  • Intensive Supported Rehabilitation
  • Packages of Care for Corrections
  • Residential Rehabilitation Services
  • Respite Care
  • Social Housing
  • Accommodation & Housing
  • Alcohol & other Drug Services
  • Child, Youth & Whānau Residential & Community Support Services
  • Mobile Community Support Services
  • Culturally Specific Services
  • Day Programmes
  • Deaf Mental Health Services
  • Eating Disorders Services
  • Education & Employment Support
  • Whānau & Family Support
  • Intellectual Disability Support Services
  • Peer Support Services
  • Primary Care Services
  • Health promotion services
  • ACC residential and mobile Living Skills service
  • Flexible Disability Support
  • Emergency Housing


We have our own social housing business and a significant property portfolio with a presence in main centres and provincial areas as well as networks and relationships with other social housing providers and private landlords. We have a total of 217 properties, 84 of which are owned by us and 133 leased. Our properties in the larger urban centres include 87 in Greater Auckland, 12 in Hamilton, 39 in Greater Wellington and 36 in Christchurch. We use 160 of these properties to deliver services including residential services, 51 are used for housing and six are investment properties.

A key benefit of our property assets and housing expertise is our ability to source good quality accommodation quickly, and prepare accommodation to diverse specifications.

We employ approximately 1,000 staff many of whom are flax root support workers who have experience and training in dealing with people with wide support needs. We can provide flexible services right across greater Auckland with teams in Central Auckland, West Auckland, North Shore, Rodney, and Counties Manukau who work locally and are well networked into a wide range of community services.


Name: Emerge Aotearoa

Address: National Support Office, 320 Ti Rakau Drive, Botany, Auckland 2013
Phone: 09 265 0255
Address: West Auckland Office, 92 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson, Auckland 0612
Phone: 09 839 7301
Address: Central Auckland Office, 103 Richardson Road, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025
Phone: 09 847 9156
Address: Northland Office, 39 Norfolk Street, Whangarei 0112
Phone: 09 265 0255
Address: Tauranga Office, 62 Westminster Drive, Tauranga 3110
Phone: 07 579 9020
Address: Wellington Office, Level 1, 20 Daly Street, Lower Hutt 5010
Phone: 04 589 9442
Address: Christchurch Office, 8 Kennedy Place, Hillsborough, Christchurch 8022Botany,
Phone: 03 371 5599

Email: info@emergeaotearoa.org.nz
Web: www.emergeaotearoa.org.nz

Organisation Details

WORKSTAR is a specialist Supported Employment Agency that has served the Nelson economy well for over twenty-five years servicing over 1500 people. We specialise in providing support to the almost one in four of adults under the age of 65 who manage a disability. Our professional employment service provides free ongoing support.


Name: Ben Harris
Address: 70 Waimea Road, Nelso
Phone: 0223 440 910
Email: Manager@workstar.co.nz
Web: www.workstar.co.nz

Organisation Details

Enrich Group is a family of organisations with common and complementary services that support people with disabilities and those living with autism and neurodiversities.

It is the entity that acts as the kaitiaki (guardian) for the family of services, which includes:

  • Enrich+,
  • McKenzie Centre,
  • Enrich Group Management Services,
  • Enrich+ Property Trust and
  • A business partnership with Active+ Waikato.

Enrich Group’s focus as kaitiaki is to support and help each organisation offer more capacity to meet the increased demand for disability services in the community.

That then allows the organisations to add value and provide greater workplace efficiencies.

Enrich Group also offers management services such as human resources, finance, information technology and communications, to other disability organisations or charitable trusts.

Name: Karen Scott
Address: 48 Teasdale Street, Te Awamutu / PO Box 413, Te Awamutu
Phone: 0800 Enrich (0800 367 424) or 07 871 6410
Web: www.enrichplus.org.nz

Organisation Details

Equitas Care, is a small service based in Avonhead Christchurch, we provide supportive homes for people with Traumatic Brain injuries and personal goal setting to meet social, emotional, spiritual and physical needs, provides the basis for all service delivery.

Where people cannot progress to independent living, Equitas Care provides a home for life – a home where people can be enabled to thrive to have a unique lifestyle of their choice.

The core values of Equitas are centred around
Choice and Independence – people in charge of their lives
Community inclusion – full participation in community life
Creativity and Growth – realising individual potential by providing opportunities for lifetime learning and development
Continuous Improvement and Expertise – Equitas is highly tuned and skilled to meet the individual needs of the people we support


Name: Steve Kinnings
Address: 12 Wiltshire Mews, Christchurch 8042
Phone: 021584524
Email: steve.kinnings@equitas.co.nz

Web: www.equitascare.co.nz

Steve Kinnings

General Manager

Mobile 021584524

Equitas Care Ltd.
12 Wiltshire Mews
Christchurch 8042
New Zealand


Organisation Details

The world’s first and award-winning stairway and evacuation chair enables a single competently trained user to evacuate a disabled person speedily and safely, along with everyone else from any level of the building in an emergency.


Name: Sue Taylor
Phone: 0800 382 282
Web: www.evacchair.co.nz

Organisation Details

Evaro (formerly Wellington After-Care Association) provides support for people with disabilities to access, participate and be included in their communities.


Name: Kervin Farr
Address: P.O. Box 11737, Manners Street, Wellington 6142
Phone: 04 470 7892
Email: kervin@evaro.nz
Web: www.evaro.nz

Flying Kites exists to lead the change we want to see in the disability sector. We believe everyone who needs it should be able to access disability support services that are as unique as the person they are designed for. People don’t fit in boxes, so neither should our support services. We are here to reimagine what disability support could look like for you, your friends and your whānau. Our key focus is on helping people with personal budgets (like Individualised Funding) to get the most out of their support through planning, progress towards independence and tailored recruitment. Services are provided on a fee for service basis.

Name: Ainsley Darvell
Address: 107 Landscape Road, Mt Eden, Auckland   
Phone: 022 528 5543
Email: Hello@flyingkites.org.nz
Website: www.flyingkites.org.nz


Organisation Details

Founders Care Trust provides quality community based residential care for people with an intellectual disability.


Name: Wendy Kopura
Address: 45 Campbell Street Whanganui
Phone: 06.3455663
Email: wendy.kopura@founderscare.org.nz

FAM™ (Functional Adaptive Movement™Ltd) is a strength and conditioning program with specifically designed programs for all ages to increase the overall health and wellness of those dealing with any disability. These programs have proven to elevate the balance, coordination, confidence, strength, endurance, concentration, communication, capability, and life skills of participating “differently-abled” athletes/clients. ​Such improvements have been recognised in physical, mental, and emotional aspects by the individuals themselves, and by their Carers, Parents, Support Workers, and Allied Health Professionals and Organisations. Currently, about 400 adaptive clients are attending classes each week, yet the swell of interest in the unique programs of FAM™ have encouraged plans to expand the program further within New Zealand and internationally. Since January 2020, FAM is running the Strength & Conditioning training for Parafed Auckland. Working out of five respected facilities in Auckland, FAM™ utilizes active volunteering from the Community and Corporates’ social programs, local Universities and Allied Health bodies to deliver fun-filled and energetic classes, while ensuring the safety and personal achievement of all participants. The FAM™ programs and Community focus intentionally on a united culture and the belief that there are endless possibilities for all of our athletes/clients and their affiliates. ​Welcome to our FAMily

Name: Michael Hynard
Address: Multi Site, 6 Tranquil Glade, Hillcrest, Auckland 0627
Phone: 021 826 453
Email: info@functionaladaptivemovement.com
Web: www.functionaladaptivemovement.com


Careers Counselling and Employment Consulting

Organisation Details

Geneva Elevator is a specialist consultancy service offering a wide range of employment, training and support options to clients with diverse needs.We offer a range of services nationwide including: Employment Service – Auckland – This is a free service to job seekers and employers, Very High Needs (VHN) – Whangarei, Northshore, South Auckland, Wellington and New Plymouth – Community based program. Transition – Auckland – Service for Orr’s funded students aged 16 to 21 in there last year of school. There is also a service available for private students. Rehab Services – Auckland – Which includes Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Dance, Art and Music Therapist. Deaf VHN – Auckland & Waikato – Teaching Life skill’s. Skills for Industry – Nationwide – 5 Week introduction to caregiving course. Training for Work – Auckland and Bay of Plenty – 13 Week training program to achieve Level 2 Certificate in Health & Wellbeing. Paths – South Auckland – Supporting clients in the Counties Manukau District Health board catchment area to source suitable employment. Whanau Hub – Auckland – Education program to support family’s with Deaf / hearing impairments and Opt In – Auckland – Supporting SLP clients with career planning and peer support


Name:  Vikki Perana
Address: 621 Great South Rd, Manukau, PO Box 106 339 Auckland 1143
Phone: 09 531 5600
Email: enquiries@genevaelevator.co.nz
Web: www.genevaelevator.co.nz

Organisation Details

GIFT (Growth In Faith Together) is a not-for-profit organisation that works for the growth and development of people who have an intellectual disability.

Attention is given to all aspects of life. In addition to normal growth and development programmes for the intellectually disabled, GIFT also focuses on the spiritual dimension of life and active participation in Church life.


The service is contracted and funded by the Ministry of Health to supply accommodation, care and community support for people with an intellectual disability.

Currently GIFT operates two houses – Gift House and Sinclair House and is situated at 26 and 28 Telford Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland.

The Residential Service provides short and long-term residential stays for adults with intellectual disabilities. There are facilities for up to 11 residents.


As part of the spiritual dimension of life, GIFT has special Religious Education Programmes on the First and Third Saturdays every month. The Programmes are open to Intellectually Disabled people from other residential care organisations or home care.


Name: Mylene Caballero
Address: 26-28 Telford Avenue, Mt Eden, Auckland 1041
Phone: 09 620 9524
Web: www.giftcentre.org.nz

Organisation Details

The Hawksbury Community Living Trust was initially set up in 1992 to provide quality residential support for people with intellectual disabilities. The service opened its first home in Dunedin in April 1992 and has since opened 10 further homes in Dunedin and Christchurch.

The majority of the people we support initially moved from instituitional care to a more independant environment with a community focus. New referrals are now received from families and other community based organisations who are currently providing this support.

In October 2004, Hawksbury Trust achieved Certification under the Health and Disability Sector (Safety) Standards. This Certification monitors our committment to the ongoing support Hawksbury Trust offers our residents, their family and whanau and staff.


Name: Kim Morton (CEO)
Address: PO Box 39086 Harewood, Christchurch 8053
Cellphone: 027 525 2920
Web: www.hawksbury.co.nz

Healthcare Compliance Solutions Ltd – quality management and software solutions to support streamlining documentation and recording service.

Name: Gillian Robinson
Address: PO Box 82, Rolleston, Christchurch  
Phone: 027 601 6400
Email: gill@agedcarecompliance.com 



Organisation Details

Healthvision was established in 1998 by Sue Doherty, a registered nurse who identified a need for quality and responsive home-based care service. From humble beginnings to one of New Zealand’s leading healthcare providers, today Healthvision is still family-owned and continue to support grassroots action and value community-based and family-oriented healthcare. By combining services from our community healthcare, nursing, rehabilitation and allied health teams, we have the opportunity to deliver better and more efficient healthcare, which result in better client outcomes. We have positioned ourselves to providing a more integrated care approach so clients can maximise their wellbeing and independence and stay connected to their family and community. Healthvision offer dedicated care teams for short or long term, as little or as often as you need us. We promote partnership through sharing latest best-practice information and care innovations and regular practice nurse training programmes. Our specialist services include: Home Support • Hourly, daily, weekly care from registered nurses and specialist support workers. • Support with showering, dressing, medication, bowel and catheter cares. • Experts in complex care needs. • General household cleaning, grocery shopping and meal preparation. Expert Nursing Care • Expert wound care with specialist nurses for comfort and pain management. • Free burn and wound care with any approved ACC claim. • Access to specialised dressings and products for best possible outcomes. • Pressure injury prevention and management. • Medication management and clinical oversight. • Palliative care. Allied Health • Access to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology and other specialist services. • Specialist assessment services. Clinical Trials Monitoring • Community monitoring of clinical trials. • Working closely with investigator sites and clinical trial organisations.



Name:  Jackie Long
Address: Head Office: Suite 1D, 95 Ascot Avenue, Greenlane, Auckland 1051
Phone: 0508 733 377
Email: service@healthvision.co.nz
Web: www.healthvision.co.nz

Organisation Details

Hearing Auckland is the commonly used name of the Tamaki Makaurau Hearing Trust which is a non-profit charity dedicated to supporting people with hearing loss, their families and Whanau.  We are funded by clients who pay for services, by donations and by the support of other organisations.

Our mission is to provide access to better hearing for all people with hearing loss.


Name: Peter Stubbing
Address: PO Box 28205, Remuera, Auckland
Phone: 09 524 9847
Email: info@hearingauckland.org.nz
Web: www.hearingauckland.co.nz

Organisation Details

Henderson Home Community Homes provides residential care for intellectual, physical or sensory disability, dual diagnosis and also holds individual mental health contracts. Carer support and respite also welcome.


Name: Kirsty Crossley
Address: 311 Hendersons Road, Hoon Hay, Christchurch 8025
Phone: 03 338 0268

Organisation Details

Support to find employment for people who identify as having a disability/health condition who are in receipt of Jobseeker Support or Supported Living Payment.


Name: Jenny Jarvis
Address: P O Box 582, Levin 5540
Phone: 06 368 1095
Email: jenny@hlc.ac.nz
Web: www.hlc.ac.nz

Organisation Details


Name: Arnah Trelease
Address: 23 Barrington St, Beckenham, Christchurch
Phone: 03 332 3179
Email: info@hohepa.com
Web:  www.hohepacanterbury.com

Organisation Details

Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay was established in 1957 to provide a home and support services for people with intellectual disabilities. We operate a school, residential services, community participation and day activities in Hawke’s Bay, with our work based on the principles and example of Rudolf Steiner. We are a land-based community, operating two biodynamic farms which produce award-winning cheese as well as milk and food for the people we support. The cultural life of our communities is strong, with emphasis on therapies and the arts (visual art, music, drama, speech, eurythmy).

We value the place of work and making a meaningful contribution to society. A retail outlet in central Napier, Hōhepa Creative Works, showcases some of the products produced by people we support including weaving, candles and items made from wood. The Hōhepa Environmental Services grows and plants native trees as part of wetland restoration projects, providing work opportunities for people with high and complex needs. In 2014 Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay opened a site in Otaihanga, Kāpiti Coast; this growing community will have delegated authority for self-governing in 2 years time.


Name: Jane Parslow
Address: 363 State Highway 51, Clive, 4102; postal address PO Box 3, Clive, Napier 4148
Phone: 06 870 0426
Email: trust@trust.hohepa.org.nz
Web: www.hohepahawkesbay.com

Organisation Details

Horizons Trust enables adults of all ages to develop confidence, build relationships and learn life skills through a range of diverse activities, in a fun, safe , caring, and supportive environment.


Name: Donna Rainbird
Address: 10 Birmingham Drive Middleton Christchurch 8024
Phone:03 377 6294
Email: info@horizonstrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

IDEA Services provides residential, vocational, behaviour support, supported employment, supported living and other support to people with intellectual disabilities throughout New Zealand.


Name: General Enquiries
Address: Level 15, 57 Willis Street or PO Box 4155, Wellington 6140
Phone: 0800 442 442
Web: www.ihc.org.nz

Organisation Details

IDEA Services provides support to people living with an Intellectual Disability.


Name: National Office Reception
Address: PO Box 4155, Wellington
Phone:  0800 442 442
Email: reception@ihc.org.nz
Web: www.ihc.org.nz

Specialist Educational Services

For parents of children with disabilities struggling to access educational support, here is how we can help:

We assess “your child’s” specific context holistically;
We action appropriate assessments;
We plan your child’s Individual Support Plan, Learning Plan, Action Plan, and Transition Plan.
We ensure that “your child’s” specialist recommendations are seen, considered and put to practice.
We advocate for your child’s inclusion and navigate the educational system so “you don’t have to”.
We access appropriate funding, without the drama.
We advise and guide “you” through appropriate pathways.
We do inclusive planning as it is designed to be done and we don’t whine while we work hard either.
No Drama, No frill, No fuss. We get things done when you want them done.


Name: Pippa Biggs
Address: North Shore, Auckland
Phone: 027 291 0761
Email: info@includemenz.com

Organisation Details

DIAS provider greater Auckland Area including Mobile Service and Asian Information Service specialising in Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean, Assistive Technology Stores Botany South, Royal Oak, Browns Bay, national online Assistive Technology Store, Specialist Access and Advisory Team, fully accessible conference facilities.


Name: Karen Beard-Greer
Address: 14 Erson Avenue, Royal Oak, Auckland
Phone: 09 625 0322
Email: karen@ilsnz.org
Web: www.ilsnz.org

Organisation Details

Insight New Zealand 2007 provides residential care and supported living services to people with intellecutal disabilities in Christchurch.


Name: Rebecca Knowles – Director
Address: PO Box 19760, Woolston, Christchurch 8241
Phone: 03 384 9054 or 021 383 245

Organisation Details

Interactionz is a social enterprise, focused on building better lives and better communities, by supporting people to live their most meaningful life.  We offer planning, community mentoring, training, service transformation and visualisation services to individuals and organisations.


Name: Jennifer Calley
Address: 113C Ruakura Lane
Phone: 021 837 329
Email: admin@interactionz.org.nz
Web: www.interactionz.org.nz

Organisation Details

Kaurilands Skills Centre Trust


Name: Wendy Dunn
Address: 115 Tokatoka Road, Ruawai, RD 2. 0592
Phone: 09 439 2140
Email: operations.manager@kaurilandsskills.co.nz
Web: www.kaurilandsskills.co

Organisation Details

The L’Arche Kapiti community encompasses two homes and a day activity centre.

L’Arche Kapiti operates according to a not-for-profit ‘community model’.

People with disabilities, and those who assist them, live together in homes, sharing life with one another and building community as responsible adults.

Everyone is believed to have the capacity to grow and to mature into adulthood, and to make a contribution to society, regardless of the physical or intellectual limitations with which they may be living.


Name: Alejandro (Alex) Pagnucco
Address: 7 Hinemoa Street, Paraparaumu
Phone: 04 298 4633

Organisation Details

We are an independent charity providing residential, rehabilitation, respite and recreational services for adults with physical or neurological impairments.


Name: Robert McIntyre
Address: 18 Laura Fergusson Grove, Naenae, Lower Hutt
Phone: 04 567 6024
Email: reception@lft.org.nz
Web: https://lft.org.nz/

Organisation Details

We have five residential homes in the Warkworth area and Rodney district, providing 24/7 care for adults with an intellectual disability.

LIFE Homes is a Christian trust which is committed to giving our residents a lifestyle that mirrors family life as closely as possible.  We value unconditional love, family interaction and the emotional, recreational, vocational and spiritual development of our residents.


Name: Julia Withers
Address: Lavender House, 27 Lilburn Street, Warkworth, Auckland 0910
Phone: 027 4338581
Email: julia.withers@lifehomes.org
Web: www.lifehomes.org

Organisation Details

Life Skills Taranaki is a charitable trust established in 1986 to develop and enhance the well-being and independence of people with disabilities.

Life Skills Taranaki is an enabler, not an employer. Clients are encouraged to engage in community-based activities in a supportive and congenial environment.

Our main focus is to promote activities outside our premises. We also provide in-house skills-based activities as requested by clients.

We operate from well-appointed premises at 8 Manadon Street, Spotswood, New Plymouth. The Trust has modern vehicles and, in most cases, can provide transport to and from the centre.


Name: Stewart Filbee
Address: 8 Manadon Street, Spotswood, New Plymouth
Phone: 06 7510188
Web: www.facebook.com/LifeskillsTaranaki

Mana Ātea is a newly established provider of individualised and flexible supports to people with disability and their whānau/families with the vision of being fully inclusive. This means working in partnership with people with disability and their whānau/family to live in their own home and to receive supports that meet their individual needs and preferences from people that they choose and trust.
My Place Aotearoa believes that family/whānau are the foundation of communities and can only thrive if they are connected to, are valued by and have a sense of belonging in their own communities. My Place Aotearoa’s name was purposely selected to reflect the very personalised, client-controlled approach: individuals standing in their own power, in their own wisdom.
My Place Aotearoa will support people who have been referred to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) ‘Living my Life’ service in the wider Auckland area, Waikato and the Bay of Plenty. The areas of support that My Place Aotearoa will provide under this service are called ‘Tailored Supports’ and ‘Coaching to Self-Manage’. My Place Aotearoa is committed to work in partnership with each person with disability to plan and receive supports that meet their individual needs and preferences from people that they choose and trust. My Place Aotearoa does not provide any group home, day centre or other congregate care services.

Name: Rangi Pouwhare
Address: PO Box 109091, Newmarket, Auckland 1149
Phone: 0272017678
Email: rangi@myplaceaotearoa.nz
Website: www.myplaceaotearoa.nz

Organisation Details

Manaaki Ability Trust started as the Hutt Valley Disabled Resources Trust in 1981 as a sheltered workshop, providing a segregated and limited ’employment’ service to people with intellectual disabilities.

We are now an inclusive organisation that delivers the following services to all people with disabilities between the ages of 16-65:

  • Transition from school
  • Vocational support
  • Community Participation
  • Centre-based and facilited programmes

We are open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm providing a safe, secure environment where clients meet, socialise, participate in activities and/or meet before or after work or other community focused events.

All our work with clients is strengths-based.

Clients work with their own dedicated coordinator and are all fully involved (together with their families/whanau and other significant stakeholders in their lives) with the development of their own personal goal plans.


Name: Paul Mainwaring – Chief Executive Officer
Address: 60 Woburn Road, Lower Hutt
Phone: 04 569 3091
Email: paul.mainwaring@manaakiabilitytrust.org.
Web: http://www.manaakiabilitytrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

Manawanui is New Zealand’s leading host of self-directed services. We work with the Ministries of Health & Social Development and DHBs across the country to support you to use your funding the way you want to. We can support you as little or much as you need – you call the shots. We can provide you with the tools and support you need to recruit staff, manage your budget, make a plan for your life, upskill your staff and lead the life you want to lead, how you want to lead it.


Name: Marsha Marshall
Address: 7/76 Paul Matthews Rd, Rosedale, Auckland
Phone: 0508 462 427
Email: info@incharge.org.nz
Web: www.incharge.org.nz

Organisation Details

Options is a supported living agency, based in Plamerston North, which is committed to delivering services and supports in a manner that fit each person’s needs and aspirations.

Our aim is to work with each person and their family to design and put in place an arrangement of individually tailored supports that are carefully planned to support the person to have their own home in the community and live a good life.


Name: Carol Sebborn
Address: 31 Princess Street, Palmerston North
Phone: 06 353 2242
Web: www.options.org.nz

Organisation Details

Student Transition Services Auckland Region


Name: Marian Galvin
Address: 12 John Hill Road, Hunua, RD3, Papakura, Auckland 2583
Phone: 027 270 4668
Email: marian@realworldliving.co.nz
Web: N/A

Organisation Details

Marralomeda is a Christian community where people with and without intellectual disabilities share life together. Nineteen people with intellectual disabilities live in four homes in Redwood with those who support them. Through ordinary daily activities, we support each other and enable the unique gift of each person to be recognized and celebrated.

In November 1989 Anne-Marie and Roger Pike and their family welcomed Ann Miller and Margaret Bowring from the Templeton Centre in Christchurch to live with them. Since then many other people with an intellectual disabilities have made Marralomeda their home. Marralomeda was inspired by the concept of the L’Arche communities.

We are a community that:
Helps Each Other


Name:  Karen Rickerby
Address: 50A Dunedin Street Redwood, Christchurch
Email: admin@marralomeda.org.nz
Web: www.marralomeda.org.nz

Organisation Details

MASH Trust provides a range of services including residential, Child and Youth crisis respite, support vocational services, day programmes and alcohol and drug services for people who have mental illness, intellectual disability and physical disability.

MASH has services in Palmerston North, Horowhenua, Kapiti coast, Wellington and the Hawkes Bay.


Name: Dr Karleen Edwards
Address: 180 Cuba Street, Palmerston North 4410; PO Box 157, Palmerston North 4440
Phone: 06 355 7200
Web: www.mashtrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

Matea Trust is a private charitable trust, which provides residential support for people with intellectual disabilities, in two homes, one in the town of Orewa, the other on a rural block in Dairy Flat, just north of Albany, both are on a bus route. We provide living conditions as close to family living as possible. The Trust also offers carer support. On the Dairy Flat site, we also provide employment opportunities for men with intellectual disabilities in our firewood business. We also offer work experience opportunities to students preparing to leave school and enter the workforce. Part of our philosophy is to promote our clients into a participating role in the community to enable them to be as independent as possible, to enjoy their rights as New Zealanders and to live as normal a life as possible.


Name: Fleur Bartholomew
Phone: 09 415 7103
Email: fleur@mateatrust.co.nz
Web: www.mateatrust.co.nz

Organisation Details

Families with a loved one with special needs face unique life and planning challenges as they need to plan for the security of two generations. Valentina Pereira, of MiRock Financial Services, has a daughter present with Down Syndrome and shares similar concerns for her daughter’s future. She uses her training as an Accountant and Financial Adviser to plan and secure her family’s future and it is her vision to help other families do the same. Through Special Needs Planning Guidance, Valentina uses a comprehensive approach to help families plan for their aspirations and develop solutions for their family.


Name: Valentina Pereira
Address: PO Box 493, Silverdale 0944, Auckland
Phone: 021 627802
Email: valentina@mirockfs.co.nz
Web: www.mirockfs.co.nz

Organisation Details

Mount Cargill Trust provides specialised residential care to children, youth and young adults with an intellectual disability and/or autism, with associated high and complex support needs.


Name: Jane Booker
Address: 314 King Edward St, South Dunedin / PO Box 2462, South Dunedin 9044
Phone: 03 455 9200
Web: www.mtcargilltrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

Mt Tabor is an intentional community that provides live-in support through a ‘living-with’ model for people with intellectual disability


Name: Penny McKenzie
Address: PO Box 121, Helensville 0840
Phone: 09 420 9701
Email: office@mt-tabor.org.nz
Web: mt-tabor.org.nz

My Life My Voice offers Connector/Kaitūhono support to disabled people and whanau.
Many of our Connector/Kaitūhono team are people who have personal lived experience of disability.

Name: Peter Wilson
Address: Hancock House, 77-85 King Street, Palmerston North, 4410
Phone: 06 213 7640/ 021983417
Email: peter.wilson@mylifemyvoice.org.nz
Website: www.mylifemyvoice.org.nz

Organisation Details

New Dawn Partnership Inc. is a high quality community participation day programme where the physically and intellectually disabled are supported to successfully thrive, grow and contribute.  We have fun learning, participating and volunteering in the community.

We value respect, inclusion, empowerment, dignity and collaboration.


Name: Fiona Bosworth
Address: PO Box 31795, Milford, Auckland
Phone: 09 486 4869
Web: www.newdawnpartnership.org

Organisation Details

The NZDSA offers a support and information service for people with Down syndrome, their families, whānau, professionals, and students.


Name: Zandra Vaccarino
Address: PO Box 4142, Auckland, 1140
Phone: 0800 693 724
Email: neo@nzdsa.org.nz
Web: www.nzdsa.org.nz

Organisation Details

NorthAble was set up in 1990 to provide information and advice to ngā tāngata whaikaha (our people with disabilities). From there, our services have grown and evolved into one of Northland’s largest independent disability services providers.

We deliver many services covering all areas of disability and beyond, Funded mainly by MSD and MoH. We aim to invest in our staff and business to enable them to deliver the best services possible. We do this through multiple relationships with our community and other providers that aim to ensure we are always looking for the new, best way forward.


We have restructured our services to deliver our contracts differently. We have implemented a new facilitation services model which combines the delivery of NASC, VHN and Transition into one service.

Our facilitation services model enables us to support our clients with all elements of their life and funding by providing one key point of contact with complete oversight of their needs and funding.  The aim is to make things as easy to use as possible, enhance mana, build long-lasting relationships that begin early and focus on holistic outcomes that access mainstream options first, with funded services there if needed, based on the determination clients and their families/whanau make.

Part of this service is our Disability Information and Advisory Service (DIAS) and navigation contracts, which we have embedded into our delivery, and as a separate service for those families that need extra information advice or guidance, as well as practical support as they navigate their way through any situation that might be troubling them.

We also offer two community participation programs, our LYNKZ and LYNKZ outreach service, where our whanau work with our facilitators to identify activities they would like to complete or attend, as well as skills they would like to learn.  We deliver the LYNKZ programmes out of our office in Whangarei and by travelling to Kerikeri, Kaikohe, Rawene, and Kaitaia. Trying to ensure we can service the population or the whole of Te Tai Tokerau.

As part of our holistic offering, we can support our clients in accessing Whangarei Budgeting Service, which is funded to support whanau to improve their financial capability through one-to-one support or group information seminars or classes.

NorthAble works to support our wider community through the provision of a covid mentor service which helps people deal with the long and short-term effects of covid and access resources such as food.  This service has broadened its scope to offer emergency planning to disabled people across Te Tai Tokerau to ensure that they have the knowledge, skills, and contacts to deal with it if something unforeseen happens.

We are in the process of setting up a new pilot service called Āhei, which is an internship program working with disabled rangatahi with a focus on increasing employment skills and creating opportunities for sustainable, long-term employment.  We will work with multiple local host businesses to place interns into their organisations. They will be provided with the opportunity to learn and evidence their ability to deliver many work-based capabilities.  When their internship finishes, we will support them through our job mentor to look at future opportunities for them,

We also own and operate NorthAble Equipment+, a shop with a social purpose that focuses on providing people with the equipment they need to enable them to live their best lives. We can offer total mobility assessments to remove the financial pressure of public transport across the Whangarei area.

NorthAble is focused on the future; we are here to support all ngā tāngata whaikaha of Te Tai Tokerau and beyond as we work to continue to deliver our purpose, to walk along and Work alongside people with disabilities to support them to lead their best life.

For more information on our services, please visit, email or call us at

www.northable.org.nz                               northable@northable.org.nz                    09 430 0988

www.equipmentplus.org.nz                      equipment@northable.org.nz                  09 430 3469

www.whangareibudgeting.co.nz              reception@whangareibudgeting.co.nz     09 430 0177


Name: Adam Dade
Address: 40 John Street, Whangarei 0110
Phone: 0508 637 200
Email: northable@northable.org.nz
Web: http://www.northable.org.nz/

NZ Foundation for Conductive Education (NZFCE) is the national body for Conductive Education services. Conductive Education is a holistic rehabilitation programme which improves the quality of life for people of all ages who have disability through its focus on developing life skills. While it is beneficial for many conditions – it is particularly effective for motor disorders such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease and post stroke conditions. NZFCE’s role is to advocate at all levels on behalf of our affiliated members and the people they serve.

Name: Sally Thomas
Address: 22 Brougham Street, Addington, Christchurch 8024
Phone: 027 716 9323
Email: sally@nzfce.org.nz
Web: www.nzfce.org.nz




Organisation Details

NZCL has more than 35 years experience in providing high quality, personalised support to people disabled people and their family/whānau. Our aim is for everyone we support to live a life like any other New Zealander and to promote their individual choices, needs, values and goals.

Together, wherever you’re going | Haere tonu tātau

Address: PO Box 24445, Manners Street, Wellington 6142
Phone: 0800 101 057
Email: info@nzcl.nz
Web: www.nzcl.nz


Organisation Details

Pact Provides support for around 1300 people in a variety of ways depending on need and employs more than 550 staff, providing services in the West Coast, Central Region (Greater Wellington area), Otago and Southland.

We provide support to adult and youth with physical or intellectual disabilities as well as to people recovering from mental illness, so they can lead fulfilling lives in the community. It doesn’t matter why you need our support or what that support looks like – we’ll figure that out with you.


Name: Julie Ramsay
Address: 80 Filleul Street, Dunedin; PO Box 5943, Moray Place, Dunedin 9054
Phone: 03 477 4312
Web: www.pactgroup.co.nz

Organisation Details

The Papatuanuku Independency Trust provides constructive, caring and professional family home style living for intellectually disabled people, where they are encouraged to participate in and contribute to their personal development, their home and their wider community.


Name: Pete Leach
Address: Gate 43, 59 Boons Valley Road, Waikawa, Picton, 7220.
Phone:03 573 5522
Web: Currently not available

Organisation Details

We are a residential service based in Woolston, Christchurch where we offer our residents a family-like environment and a holistic approach to care where the resident is at the centre of all planning.


Name:Charlaine McConachy (Chaz)
Address:534c Ferry Road, Woolston, Christchurch, 8023
Phone: 03 389 4489
Cell Phone: 027 588 5005
Website: https://paulowniatrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

Poly-Emp Employment & Advisory Service is a Charitable Trust that assists people with learning disabilities to find paid employment and reach their full potential in their chosen career.


Name: Margaret Reilly
Address: P.O. Box 44-288 Point Chevalier Auckland
Phone: 09 8154321 ext 8375
Email: mreilly@unitec.ac.nz
Web: http://poly-emp.org.nz/

Organisation Details

With expertise in mental wellbeing, Progress to Health supports people to grow the possibilities and opportunities in their lives. We place an emphasis on supporting and developing a person’s strengths. The support provided reflects what the person wants to do and how they want to do it. Being flexible, inclusive, responsive and passionate about the work we do, we can help develop a personal plan and suggest activities, training and events that will help the person being support achieve. All Progress to Health services are underpinned by the Code of Health and Disability Consumers Rights (the Code). If a person want to find employment, we can support with CV development, interview preparation and in some instances, in-work support. If a person is ORS funded and aged 16-21, we can support them to develop a transition plan, finding work experience opportunities and/or supporting them into further training and education. Other types of support include physical well-being activities; craft and hobby groups and creative/recreational pursuits or sports; links to people who have similar experiences; and up to date and accessible information, education and resources.


Name: Karen Covell
Address: PO Box 19082, Hamilton, 3244
Phone: 07 838 0302
Email: admin@progresstohealth.org.nz
Web: www.progresstohealth.org.nz

Organisation Details

The Ranfurly Care Society promotes the spiritual, physical and intellectual well being of people with an intellectual disability.

We stand as an advocate in the community, working for an environment that is protective, caring and educational; offering choices, promoting social contact and building a sense of achievement.

Ranfurly Residential Home has been providing services for people with an intellectual disability since 1992.

The Ranfurly Residential Home provides 24-hour support for permanent residents, as well as offering short-term respite care for caregivers with intellectually disabled dependents.

Residents are encouraged to develop a realistic level of independence based on their individual capabilities and to participate as much as possible in normal everyday activities.

Our objective is to create a family/whanau environment where residents and staff can interact with one another in a homely atmosphere.

As a family/whanau organisation, the Society has an ‘open door’ policy that encourages family/whanau and friends to visit at any time and they are welcome to participate in any aspect of Society life.

The home-like environment allows resident interaction and the building of friendships while also pursuing individual interests.


Name: Linda Nelson
Address: 52-56 Ranfurly Road, Epsom, Auckland
Phone: 09 630 3010
Web: www.ranfurlycare.co.nz

The team at Renaissance Group are committed to provide a service that promotes choice and control; supporting disabled people to strive towards achieving their aspirations and building a good life. We know it isn’t always easy, and choosing to live in the community can be challenging; but we also know that life is an amazing journey, and people should have the freedom to dream big, take risks, live life their way, and with the right support around you, anything is possible! Renaissance is contracted to the Ministry of Health to deliver Supported Living services in the greater Auckland region and Choices in Community Living in the greater Auckland and Waikato region. We support individuals with intellectual, physical and or sensory disabilities between the ages of 17 to 65 years. Our mission is to help you get the best services and support. Talk to us, we know. And even if we don’t know, we can find out for you.

Name: Smeena Bajwa
Address: 29 Grove Road, Papakura, Auckland, 2104
Phone: 09 2002473
Email: smeena.b@ren2001.co.nz
Web: www.renaissancegroup.co.nz

Rescare provides residential and vocational services for adults who have an intellectual disability in two lifestyle villages based in Flatbush and Weymouth. We support people who also have a sensory, mental health, or physical disability, and aim to provide supports that allow the person to live a great life full of meaningful activities and connections. In our residential service we provide flatting situations in purpose bulit homes and in vocational services we provide flexible, customisable services to allow people to expand and grow their interest. We are proud to have partnered with the Te Tuhi Gallery and The University of Auckland to start New Zealand’s first training cafe for people with intellectual disabilities which is based in Pakuranga.

Name: Leelam Shama
Address: 7 Rebecca Rise, Weymouth Auckland
Phone: 09 267 9812
Email: Leelams@rescarehomestrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

Residential support services for five women with intellectual disabilities.


Name: Pauline Campbell-Read
Address: 83 Denbigh Street, Feilding 4702
Phone: 06 323 8620
Email: settlerscare@gmail.com
Web: N/A

Organisation Details

Sharon Brandford provides advice and mentoring for service teams reviewing how well they can support people with intellectual disabilities and additional support needs related to ageing, challenging behaviour and/or mental health concerns. Supervision, mentoring and training related to the above is also provided.


Name: Sharon Brandford
Phone: 0224 266 818

Organisation Details

Shore Trust


Name: Francie Needham
Address: 6 Belmont Terrace, Milford, Auckland 0620
Phone: 09 4103096
Email: manager@shoretrust.org.nz
Web: www.shoretrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

Supported Individualised Lifestyle Choices (SILC) is the service arm of SILC Charitable Trust, an independent trust with the primary aim of reinforcing and enhancing the contributions people with disabilities make in their communities.

SILC achieves this by being of service to people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities or whose disability has been acquired as a result of an illness or the onset of a degenerative disorder anytime before the person reaches 65.

A holistic approach recognises that a person’s personal network − including family, whanau and friends − is an integral part of an inclusive quality life and, therefore, is valued and included in a partnership to ensure people’s aspirations are achieved.

We do this by providing a continuum of support options within the framework of both Residential and Supported Living contracts (as defined by the MoH) and we provide these services in Tauranga.


Name: Tony Marsden
Address: 97 Eleventh Avenue, Tauranga 3110
Phone: 07 571 1262
Email: enquiries@silc.co.nz
Web: www.silc.co.nz/

New to Skillet? We work with incredible non-profits, councils, CCOs and SMEs to champion accessibility in Aotearoa. We take a strengths-based approach to highlight what’s available in our communities today, and what Kiwis want to see next.

In addition to our Community & Service Apps and Event Centres, we’re also known for our Accessibility Maps: a whole-of-community look at inclusive organisations, experiences, public spaces and amenities. We believe that price should never prohibit accessibility, so we’re free for members of the public to use. If you want to highlight inclusive spaces, places and experiences in your area, get in touch today!

Name: Scott Herschberger
Address: Level 9, 4 Williamson Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021
Phone: 09 801 1121
Email: info@skillet.co.nz
Web: www.skillet.co.nz

Solway Vison offers residential care to adults with challenging behaviour, high needs and/or chronic medical conditions.

Name: Patricia Noble
Address: P. O. Box 11, Pokeno 2440 
Phone: 09 232 6966
Email: admin@solwayvision.co.nz



Organisation Details

We are an organization providing support for children and young adults with disabilities and their families throughout the region, which includeds Wanganui City, Waverley, Waimarino, Taihape, Hunterville, Waiouru, Marton, Bulls


Name: Heather Cox
Address: PO Box 540, Whanganui 4540
Phone: 06 345 0566
Email: heather@sommerville.org.nz
Web: http://www.sommerville.org.nz/



Name: Grant Williams
Address: P O Box 11023, Musselburgh, Dunedin
Phone: 021 741 798

Organisation Details

At Spectrum Care, ours is no ordinary job. We aim to help identify the unique potential in every one of the people we support, then lend a hand to help them realise it.

We offer a wide array of flexible support options in the Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Wellington regions, which can be structured to suit the unique needs of each tāngata and whānau whaikaha.

Our aim is to ensure people have choice, control and flexibility in the supports they receive and have the opportunity to co-create their own support options.

We also offer a navigator service 0508 NAVIG8 (0508 628 448) aimed at helping families new to disability support.

Our Vision

Every person with a disability deserves a life of choice, freedom and independence.

Our Purpose

To help maximise the potential of the people we support.

Our Promise

Wholehearted optimism, every day.

Click here to watch an interview with Spectrum Care’s Chief Executive Sean Stowers


Name: Justin Walsh
Address: 205 Great South Rd, Greenlane Auckland 1051. PO Box 74222, Greenlane, Auckland 1546
Phone: 09 634 9788
Web: www.spectrumcare.org.nz

Organisation Details

St Chads provides community participation/supported activities programmes and opportunities. Life, communication and social skills are a key focus. We undertake personal planning and design individual and group supports to help our clients and their families achieve their life aspirations and goals. We hold MSD, MOH and ACC (subcontracted) contracts.


Name: Sharron Black
Address:2 Devon Street, Glenholme, Rotorua
Phone: 07 347 8515
Web: www.stchads.co.nz

Organisation Details

St John of God Health and Ability Services is a provider of residential care for adults living with a neurological and/or physical disability. We provide a 60-bed service in Halswell as well as several supported living homes in the community. We provide on site rehabilitation services for residents and the greater community. As a value based not-for-profit organisation our care is proudly based on values of Hospitality, Compassion, Respect, Justice and excellence.


Name: Virginia Spoors (Regional Manager)
Address: Trust Office, 189 Peterborough Street, Christchurch
Phone: 03 339 1790
Email: enquiries.halswell@sjog.org.nz
Web: www.sjog.org.nz

Stroke Foundation of NZ support and assist people and whanau after a stroke, help all New Zealanders keep safe from stroke and support stroke survivors to return to work

Name: Jo Lambert
Address: PO Box 12482, Wellington 6144
Phone: 04 472 80 99 / 0800 STROKE (0800 78 76 53)
Email: strokenz@stroke.org.nz
Web: www.stroke.org.nz

Organisation Details

Providing family and whanau support for those caring for someone with mental health and addicition issues, vocational support for people with disability, reducing stigma and discrimination around mental illness with workshops, mental health and addiction information and resources, and a peer support centre to connect to community.


Name: Tracey Towns
Address: PO Box 2110 Masterton
Phone: 06 3773081
Web: www.sfwai.org.nz

Organisation Details

TalkLink works with people of all ages who, due to a disability, have difficulties with speaking, writing, learning and/or with controlling their environment. We provide communication assistive technology solutions, both low and high tech, to help people communicate to their full potential. Services include assessment, equipment provision, training and support.


Name: Ann Smaill
Address: PO Box 44 053, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 1246
Phone: 09 8153232
Email: support@talklink.org.nz
Web: www.talklink.org.nz

Organisation Details

Tautoko Services provides behaviour support services for the lower North Island, Nelson/Marlborough and West Coast regions.

We support children and adults with an intellectual disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder, in conjunction with challenging behaviour.


Name: Jan Perkins
Address: Suite 10 99 Mana Esplanade, Paremata 5026
Phone: 04 233 0164
Web: www.tautoko.org.nz/

Organisation Details

Kaupapa Maori Social Services


Name: Wheturangi Walsh-Tapiata
Address: PO Box 611, 57 Campbell St Whanganui 4500
Phone: 06 349-0007
Email: support@teoranganui.co.nz
Web: www.teoranganui.co.nz

Organisation Details

Te Roopu Taurima (TRT) is the largest kaupapa Maori service provider for intellectually disabled people and is an accredited and certificated service provider.

We aim to provide our Tangata (people TRT supports) with a quality of life so they can live as individuals with a range of choices that lead to self-empowerment or rangatiratanga through tikanga Maori values and principles.

Cultural support is provided by our kaumatua, whaea and kaimahi, and through local kaumatua and kuia.

Whanau contact and participation in decision making is actively sought, encouraged and maintained and tangata lives are enriched through involvement with whanau and the community.


Name: Karen Smith
Address: PO Box 22 346, Otahuhu 1640
Phone: 09 276 6282
Email: karen.smith@terooputaurima.org.nz
Web: www.terooputaurima.org.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/terooputaurima/

Organisation Details

Te Rori a Mua Trust was established in 1993 on a rural setting to provide a 24/7 residential service and a day program during the week for adults with an intellectual disability. The meaning of Te Rori A Mua is “the road ahead”and this provides the foundation to ensure the organisation focuses on the future to provide quality services to meet the needs, aspirations and wellbeing of people with intellectual disability and their families.


Name:Adam Dinsdale
Address: 162 Pooks Road, Ranui, Auckland
Phone: 09 832 4988
Email: teroriamua@gmail.com
Web: http://teroriamua.org.nz/

Te Wana Ltd provide a state of the art range of medical grade Care and Epilepsy sensors to connect local caregivers with their loved ones via Care Pagers. Multiple sensors can be place in a house or large residency to help manage many different risks and situation.
Full support is offered to enable people and organisations to identify the right sensor and set up. Most sensors come with 30-day money-back guarantees and 3 year warranties.

Name: Jonathan Sibbles
Address: 35 Bush Street, Rangiora, Waimakariri 7400
Phone: 03 242 0267
Email: info@TeWanaLtd.co.nz

Organisation Details

Eastgate Community Trust supports adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.


Name: Felicity Bell
Address: PO Box 54 212 The Marina Auckland 2144
Phone: 09 5774556 or 0276672396
Email: felicity@eastgatetrust.co.nz
Web: www.eastgatetrust.co.nz

Organisation Details

We are passionate about making sure people with disabilities can live the best life possible. We work hard to make sure they understand the disability support they are entitled to, and that they know how to access and use that support. And we keep it simple.

We have a number of people in our team with lived experience of disability, including people with disabilities, a Pasifika Liaison, and parents with disabled children. Many people have told us we “get it” because we understand the day-to-day challenges of living with disability.

We believe that people are the experts in their own lives so it is critical that they are actively involved in putting together the plan for how they want to use their funding. We value people’s lived experience and want to hear feedback and ideas from the people we support, so we regularly ask for this when we review how they are going. This information helps us to make changes to what we do and how we work with people.

As an Individualised Funding (IF) host we support people across the wider Auckland area, and we advocate for them with the NASC (Taikura) as needed. We help people to manage their IF budget across the year, and keep them regularly informed of where their budget is at. We also know that people are juggling lots of responsibilities, so we work hard to get back to people quickly when they contact us.

We also support a number of disabled people to stay living in their own homes by providing Community Support Workers to help them with day-to-day tasks so they can continue to live as independently as possible.

We connect regularly with other providers to network and share ideas, and this directly benefits the people we support. We also present to community groups to get the word out about the availability of disability support.


Name: Rob Gill
Address: 227 Mt Eden Road, Mount Eden, Auckland 1024
Phone: 09 623 7631
Email: robg@lifewise.org.nz
Web: www.lifewise.org.nz

Organisation Details

Providing vocational services to adults with disabilities in Central Hawkes Bay.


Name: Katrina Jamieson
Address: PO Box 295Waipukurau 4242
Phone: 068588912
Web: www.paulhuntercentre.org.nz

Organisation Details

The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust is committed to ensuring that all New Zealanders are supported to live the life they choose, free from harm, abuse and neglect. We do this by providing safeguarding services such as Supported Decision Making, Advocacy, and a Coordinated Multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Response.


Name: Erika Butters, Advocacy National Director
Address: PO Box 25118, Featherston Street, Wellington 6146
Phone: 0800 728 7878
Email: advocacy@PASAT.org.nz
Web: www.PASAT.org.nz

Organisation Details

Our aim is to provide quality, appropriate, individualised residential services, for people with intellectual disabilities.   We believe that no intellectually disabled person, should be excluded from any of life’s experiences, purely on the basis of their disability.


Name: General Manager: Maia Faulkner
Address: Puhinui Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland
Phone: 09 2799029
Email: maia@puhinuihomestrust.org.nz
Web: www.thepuhinuihomestrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

The Salvation Army (Wellington) Supportive Accommodation Programme provides supportive community-based residential care for people with a range of intellectual and physical disabilities.

Since 1883, The Salvation Army has fought poverty and social and spiritual distress in New Zealand.

We’ve been there to help more than 120,000 families and individuals in need each year—with budgeting advice, food and clothing assistance, life skills programmes and other comfort and support. At The Salvation Army we are committed to our mission of caring for people, transforming lives and reforming society.


Name: Michelle Turner
Address: 22-26 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington
Phone: 04 389 0594
Web: http://www.salvationarmy.org.nz/centres/nz/lower-north-island/wellington-city

Organisation Details

The Supported Life Style Hauraki Trust is a non-profit organisation providing care, education and housing – a ‘whole of life service’ for people with mixed abilities.

The Trust operates with a holistic recognition of all aspects and stages of life experience, which we refer to as the ‘Life Style Way’. We fondly refer to the people in our Trust as ‘Life Stylers’.


Name: Sandra Higgs
Address: 617 Queen Street PO Box 524 Thames 3500
Phone: 07 868 5038
Web: http://www.suplife.org.nz/

Organisation Details

We are a Supported Employment Service Provider


Name:  Sue Dawson
Address: PO Box 2375 South Dunedin
Phone: 03 455 4357
Email: admin@workopportunities.org.nz

Web:  www.workopportunities.org.nz

Organisation Details

Thumbs Up Trust was established to support the needs, aspirations and on-going development of young people with intellectual and physical disabilities to enable them to: Actively participate in the life of their community and gain enjoyment from its facilities Learn and develop new skills Engage in a range of cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activities Develop friendships and a sense of belonging to a community Contribute in a meaningful and positive way to their community Feel valued and enjoy a sense of achievement from meeting challenges


Name: Samantha Coromandel
Address: 5 Elizabeth Street, Petone
PO Box 33082 Wellington Mail Centre Lower Hutt

Phone: 04 586 8068
Email: manager@thumbsuptrust.org.nz
Web: www.thumbsuptrust.org.nz

Organisation Details

Tiaho Trust aims to significantly contribute to the New Zealand Disability Strategy’s vision of ‘A society that highly values the lives and continually enhances the full participation of disabled people’.

We endeavour to do this in Northland by positioning Tiaho Trust to be the leading proactive disability led organisation in Tai Tokerau from which the community can obtain expert advice and support.

We empower the Northland community by promoting the disabled community as valued citizens who contribute, participate and add to the diversity of New Zealand society.


Name: Jonny Wilkinson
Address: PO Box 374, Whangarei 0140
Phone: 09 430 3406
Web: www.tiaho.org.nz

Organisation Details

Totara Farm Trust provide residential services for people with an intellectual disability or autism, 17 years upwards, in the South Auckland and Franklin area.


Name: Wendy Mosch
Address: 842 Kingseat Rd, RD,1 Papakura
Phone: 09 292 7757
Email office@totarafarmtrust.co.nz 

Organisation Details

Vaka Tautua is a charitable organisation that aims to help improve the health and wellbeing of Pacific people in New Zealand.

We provide community support for older peoples, people living with disability and those needing support for mental health.

Vaka Tautua is a national ‘by Pacific, for Pacific’ health support service provider.

We run community programs and services that provide support especially to our older peoples, those living with disability or those seeking support for mental health.

We also offer shared management services to a number of smaller groups and trusts and have a history of strong Pacific community and health sector engagement.

Since 2009, we have been fully accredited with Telarc SAI QHNZ against the EQUIP4 Standards.

We want to support Pacific older people, people living with disability and/or mental illness to pursue their lifestyle choices.

Our programmes aim to encourage families and communities as a whole to respect, promote and safeguard the rights of our service users within the health and disability sector.

We are always striving to find innovative and creative ways to lead the on-going development of health and disability support services for Pacific people.

We aim to promote non-discriminatory practices and to bring positive change to the lives of our service users.


Name: Anele Bamber
Address: PO Box 23 244, Hunters Corner, Auckland 2155
Phone: 0800 825 282
Web: www.vakatautua.co.nz

Organisation Details

Vanessa Lowndes Centre


Name: Lisa Tamatea
Address: PO Box 1269, Gisborne 4040
Phone: 06 869 0457
Email: lisa@vlc.co.nz
Web: www.turangahealth.co.nz

Organisation Details

Being persons with disabilities ourselves, we work one-on-one with you to achieve your plan to live as you decide in the community.


Name: Tewai Halatau
Address: PO Box 96151, Balmoral, Auckland 1342; 59 Pine Street, Balmoral, Auckland 1041
Phone: 09 629 0111
Web: http://www.supportoptions.co.nz/support/provider.aspx?pID=1068&l=1&sID=313

Organisation Details

Vision Rehabilitation Services, Auckland, is not your typical disability/low vision/blind rehabilitation Charity. Founded in 2020, we abide by the philosophy that recovery and adjustment from vision loss and/or any disability requires a full spectrum of holistic and seamless care, therapy, training, and adaptation, instead of a narrow focus on one area of care, unlike other services currently presented in New Zealand.

As a self-sufficient Charitable rehabilitation service organisation, a vision and disability service hub, our caring rehab staff/helpers are alongside on client-support and care.

You or your loved ones will be given the best chance of adjustment/recovery knowing that your best interests are always at the forefront of our considerations.

Our foremost rehabilitation team is comprised of some of the most dedicated, compassionate and understanding men and women in the field. Many on our help-force are individuals with disabilities themselves and work as volunteers in delivering their services.

We strive to achieve an inclusive and synergistic relationship with every client/patient who walks through our doors. Creating a “win-win” relationship will enable us to offer you and your family the best possible care by providing a simplified and centralised set of services; easier for both us and clients.


Name: Mary Grace Roaquin
Address: 57 Walls Road, Penrose, Auckland 1061
Phone: 09 525 1488
Email: info@visionrehab.org.nz

Organisation Details

To strive for excellence in the provision and delivery of advocacy, promotion, education, prevention, support and information services for people with disabilities in the Western Bay of Plenty area


Name: Gill Gardner
Address: PO Box 15466, Tauranga 3144
Phone: 021 333 900
Email: coordinator.wbop.dst@gmail.com
Web: http://www.supporttrust.net.nz/

Organisation Details

Wild Bamboo is the charitable software company behind Recordbase-the client management solution for the social sector. Our purpose is to enrich the performance of organisations through smart information systems. Recordbase was developed by the sector for the sector. The client management solution supports organisations to effectively manage sensitive client information and easily report on service delivery, data and outcomes to funders.


Name: Nick Kemp
Address: Kakariki House, 293 Grey St, Hamilton 3216
Phone: 021345951
Email: nick.kemp@wildbamboo.co.nz
Web: www.wildbamboo.co.nz

Organisation Details

Workbridge is New Zealand’s leading employment service for disabled people and people with health conditions. Our service is free and available to people aged 16 to 64 years of age.


Name: Jonathan Mosen
Address: PO Box 2560, Wellington 6140
Phone: 0508 858 858
Email: national@workbridge.co.nz
Web: workbridge.co.nz

Organisation Details

Workmates Supported Employment is a charitable trust that provides a completely FREE supported and employment service in the Porirua and greater Wellington region.

We are a supported smployment Agency that caters to people with disabilities and barriers to employment.

We assist by gaining and retaining market-waged employment in the open market arena.

We provide our service at NO COST to either employer or job seeker.

We support the client from the time of referral through to placement, and continue support on an individually tailored basis for as long as the client wishes.


Name: Susan Christian
Address: PO Box 50 583, Porirua 5240
Phone: 04 237 7141, 021 0292 5050
Web: www.workmates.co.nz

Workwise is an employment agency for people facing personal or health challenges. We support people on their journeys to find, get and keep a job.

Name: Moana McCabe
Address: Head Office: 293 Grey Street, Hamilton East, Hamilton
Phone: 0272565794/ 0508869675
Email: info@workwise.org.nz 
Website: www.workwise.org.nz


Organisation Details

Your Way | Kia Roha is a charitable trust offering information, support, and equipment to enable disabled people to thrive, living the lives they choose in their communities. We have been creating opportunities for disabled people to make and be in control of their own life choices for over 40 years.

Everything we do supports our vision of “Disabled people thriving, living the lives they choose in their communities”.  When connecting with us, you will be valued and respected for what matters to you and your family / whānau.

Our services include:

For more information, please contact info@yourwaykiaroha.nz

Contact Details

Address: PO Box 146, 20 Palmerston Street, Hamilton
Phone: 0800 008 011
Email: laic@yourwaykiaroha.nz or info@yourwaykiaroha.nz
Web: www.yourwaykiaroha.nz